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[HELP] everything gone !!


Jan 10, 2012
Hey guys,

Got a massive problem:

with my main character I cant see any single NPC/Mob/Player/Portal/GuildBank or anything , with my other charakters is no problem i can see everything.
I can whisper with player write in /g and /2 but i cant /s anything to them , cause they dont see me and I dont see them.

I already used the Repair and deleted Chache. I also died ingame and did /reload and deactivated all Addons.

Is this caused by HB/did a GM sent me to a empty world ? What can I do?

this happened while i used the Profile from Tony to hunt the TLPD, I stopped it and used hearthstone , before he teleported to Orgrimmar he did strange moves and ran in a circle , i pressed ESC and used hearthstone again, I got teleported to OG and from there everything was empty.
100% no joke swear to god.

What you have is something called 'paranoia'. Something is up with your wow, delete WTF folder and Cache folder and it should be fine.
Remember to do backups.

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If that doesnt work then:
Restart your PC,
Run WowError -> Still not working ? ->
Reinstall WoW.
WTF+Chache is already deleted.

great now I may have to reinstall the whole shit and will take me years to patch and download it ..... currently talking to a gm, maybe my death with 2200 twilight jasmine on the DK in bags while he is logged in into my dk and talks to me while im on my twink^^
Update: The GM was insanely awesome and helped me:

It was not a WOW problem. It was ingame a problem with Phasing. I am now forced to quest in Vashjir and to complete the opening quests, then everything will come back. strange problem, cause i never entered Vashir or did the startquest or anything.

Furthermore he didnt care about my Bank or my Inventory I had 2200+ Twilight Jasmine and he didnt even noticed it once.