Hello Everyone,
I'd like to start by thanking the developers for all the work they're putting into what I can only imagine is an amazing product. I've been reading everything I can about it since I purchased a 1 month key of Honorbuddy a few days ago and it seems awesome!!! I was able to download and use the bot for about 48 hours and level a fresh hunter toon to level 60 with the questing 'plugin' (Is that correct terminology?) before the legion pre-patch dropped and wrecked everything. I really liked what I was able to make use of up until this point. I have a ton of questions now though, I'm sure all of which are answered buried in threads on this forum somewhere, but I'm hoping with this current downtime some of the more experienced botters or developers on this site would be willing to point me in the right direction.
Now, A little about myself and my experiences: I got addicted to Blizzard games way back with OG Warcraft (RTS) and Warcraft II. I LOVED the first DIABLO and even got grounded by my (very religious) parents for and buying the Hellfire Addon pack for a "demonic" game. The addiction really set in with Diablo 2 though, and yes, at the age of 16 I realized I could download a little program called 'Pindlebot' and make a killing selling Jah, Ber, and Ort runes on Ebay. Those were the good ol' days. Eventually, all my D2 buddies moved on to this new game called World of Warcraft and I made the transition with them. I raided in a top server raid guild from Vanilla basically until MOP.. I'm in my 30s now and I can't really dedicate the time I used to grinding rep, farming mats, and raiding several days a week, so I kinda fell off. I did bot a little especially durring BC and Wrath, and that helped with having gold and mats needed for competitive raiding, but there was always a fear of being banned. I think the program I was using then was called Gatherer and I'm curious (because I can't remember) was that a BossLand GmbH product? Anyway, It served its purpose well during the time I used it.
Most recently Ive been playing D3 and botting when Im not playing. I use your DemonBuddy bot and couldnt possibly be more satisfied. (My only regret is I didnt realize there was a life time subscription option until I saw the post that it was going away on June 1, 2016 so I was renewing every month for over a year.. But, it went to a good cause ;-) So all is well).
Ok, now for my questions:
1. My lifetime subscription Key for DemonBuddy Doesn't work for HonorBuddy and it's now to late to purchase a lifetime key for HonorBuddy?
2. What products do you recommend I purchase for a WoW player who intends to:
1. Keep 1 main and 2 alts Max Level And competitively PVE Geared.
2. Keep 1 main and 1 alt Max Level and completely PVP geared.
3. Maintain all professions max level and profitable with a surplus of banked mats.
4. Level 1 of each class to max level by questing with a Bot.
5. Earn achievements (like LoreMaster) with a Bot.
3. In addition to Base HonorBuddy, what should I download or purchase from the buddy store to Achieve the goals above?
4. What Is the difference in LegionBuddy and LegendaryBuddy?
5. If Id like to utilize a Bot for optimizing my DPS during a raid for my main only, what bot do I need? (LegionBuddy?)
6. What should I expect to pay for the functionality desire described above, either monthly or Annually?
I'd like to start by thanking the developers for all the work they're putting into what I can only imagine is an amazing product. I've been reading everything I can about it since I purchased a 1 month key of Honorbuddy a few days ago and it seems awesome!!! I was able to download and use the bot for about 48 hours and level a fresh hunter toon to level 60 with the questing 'plugin' (Is that correct terminology?) before the legion pre-patch dropped and wrecked everything. I really liked what I was able to make use of up until this point. I have a ton of questions now though, I'm sure all of which are answered buried in threads on this forum somewhere, but I'm hoping with this current downtime some of the more experienced botters or developers on this site would be willing to point me in the right direction.
Now, A little about myself and my experiences: I got addicted to Blizzard games way back with OG Warcraft (RTS) and Warcraft II. I LOVED the first DIABLO and even got grounded by my (very religious) parents for and buying the Hellfire Addon pack for a "demonic" game. The addiction really set in with Diablo 2 though, and yes, at the age of 16 I realized I could download a little program called 'Pindlebot' and make a killing selling Jah, Ber, and Ort runes on Ebay. Those were the good ol' days. Eventually, all my D2 buddies moved on to this new game called World of Warcraft and I made the transition with them. I raided in a top server raid guild from Vanilla basically until MOP.. I'm in my 30s now and I can't really dedicate the time I used to grinding rep, farming mats, and raiding several days a week, so I kinda fell off. I did bot a little especially durring BC and Wrath, and that helped with having gold and mats needed for competitive raiding, but there was always a fear of being banned. I think the program I was using then was called Gatherer and I'm curious (because I can't remember) was that a BossLand GmbH product? Anyway, It served its purpose well during the time I used it.
Most recently Ive been playing D3 and botting when Im not playing. I use your DemonBuddy bot and couldnt possibly be more satisfied. (My only regret is I didnt realize there was a life time subscription option until I saw the post that it was going away on June 1, 2016 so I was renewing every month for over a year.. But, it went to a good cause ;-) So all is well).
Ok, now for my questions:
1. My lifetime subscription Key for DemonBuddy Doesn't work for HonorBuddy and it's now to late to purchase a lifetime key for HonorBuddy?
2. What products do you recommend I purchase for a WoW player who intends to:
1. Keep 1 main and 2 alts Max Level And competitively PVE Geared.
2. Keep 1 main and 1 alt Max Level and completely PVP geared.
3. Maintain all professions max level and profitable with a surplus of banked mats.
4. Level 1 of each class to max level by questing with a Bot.
5. Earn achievements (like LoreMaster) with a Bot.
3. In addition to Base HonorBuddy, what should I download or purchase from the buddy store to Achieve the goals above?
4. What Is the difference in LegionBuddy and LegendaryBuddy?
5. If Id like to utilize a Bot for optimizing my DPS during a raid for my main only, what bot do I need? (LegionBuddy?)
6. What should I expect to pay for the functionality desire described above, either monthly or Annually?
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