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New Member
Dec 12, 2014
hej guys i need some help getting startet with bot. anyone from Denmark who can help me? plz pm me
Exilebuddy [0.1.3341.138] is up to date!
T: 5247403859739044871 H: 1439607527
Reloading AssemblyLoader<Loki.Bot.IBot> - Initializing
Reloading AssemblyLoader<Loki.Bot.IRoutine> - Initializing
[BasicGrindBot] This class is the new bot. Now setting up bot specific stuff.
Current bot set to BasicGrindBot.
[ExampleRoutine] Initialize
Reloading AssemblyLoader<Loki.Bot.IPlugin> - Initializing
Current routine set to ExampleRoutine.
[AutoFlask] Initialize
[AutoResync] Initialize
[ChaosChanceRecipe] Initialize
[Chicken] Initialize
[CorruptedAreaTweaks] Initialize
[CustomItemFilter] Initialize
[CustomPlayerMover] Initialize
[DominusFight] Initialize
[ExamplePlugin] Initialize
[GemLeveler] Initialize
[GrindZoneChanger] Initialize
[LowFpsHelper] Initialize
[OverwordAreaTweaks] Initialize
[Scheduler] Initialize
[StuckDetection] Initialize
[AutoFlask] Enable
[CorruptedAreaTweaks] Enable
[StuckDetection] Enable

Please read the following guide before using this program:
[Start] Now creating the BotThread.
[BasicGrindBot] Start
[Start] PlayerMover.Instance: Loki.Bot.v3.DefaultPlayerMover.
[Start] MsBetweenTicks: 15.
[Start] InputEventMsDelay: 100.
[Start] LowFpsMode: False.
[ExilePather] Now reloading the pathfinder.
[Dat] Now building the Stat lookup table.
[Dat] The Stat lookup table has been built.
[Dat] Now building the Passive Skills lookup table.
[Dat] The Passive Skills lookup table has been built.
[GetPathfindingData] Now creating the pathfinding data.
[GetPathfindingData] The pathfinding data has been created (00:00:00.0520378).
[ExilePather] Now creating the navmesh.
[ExilePather] The navmesh has been created.
[ExilePather] The pathfinder has been reloaded.
[AddAtBack] Now adding [ResurrectTask] This task handles resurrection..
[AddAtBack] Now adding [ClearCursorTask] This task places any item left on the cursor into the inventory..
[AddAtBack] Now adding [AssignMoveSkillTask] A task to handle assigning the Move skill if it's not already on the skill bar..
[AddAtBack] Now adding [HandleBlockingChestsTask] This task will handle breaking any blocking chests that interfere with movement..
[AddAtBack] Now adding [HandleDoorsTask] This task handles opening doors..
[AddAtBack] Now adding [CombatTask (Leash 50)] This task executes routine logic for combat..
[AddAtBack] Now adding [TownRunTask] A task to go back to town during the middle of a bot run..
[AddAtBack] Now adding [LootItemTask (Leash 50)] This task handles looting items..
[AddAtBack] Now adding [OpenChestTask (Leash 50)] This task handles opening chests..
[AddAtBack] Now adding [LootItemTask (Leash -1)] This task handles looting items..
[AddAtBack] Now adding [MergeInventoryTask] A task to handle merging the inventory into full stacks..
[AddAtBack] Now adding [IdTask] A task to identify items in inventory..
[AddAtBack] Now adding [SellTask] A task to vendor items in the inventory..
[AddAtBack] Now adding [StashTask] This task will stash all applicable items in town..
[AddAtBack] Now adding [WithdrawTask] A task to withdraw items from stash when we are in town..
[AddAtBack] Now adding [HandleInventoryItemsTask] A task to manage inventory items that are not stashed..
[AddAtBack] Now adding [SortInventoryTask] A task to sort the main inventory by moving items towards the top left corner..
[AddAtBack] Now adding [ReturnToGrindZoneTask] This task will return the bot to the previous grind zone after a town run..
[AddAtBack] Now adding [TagWaypointTask] This task will tag a waypoint if it is not already unlocked..
[AddAtBack] Now adding [UseLooseCandleTask] This task will use the Loose Candle when the grind zone is set to The Archives..
[AddAtBack] Now adding [UnblockCorruptedAreaTransitionTask] This task will use the Loose Grate and Sarcophagus covers for corrupted area transitions..
[AddAtBack] Now adding [TakeCorruptedAreaTask] A task to take corrupted areas..
[AddAtBack] Now adding [TravelToGrindZoneTask] This task will travel to the grind zone configured..
[AddAtBack] Now adding [TravelThroughBossAreasTask-BossFarm] This task will travel though the local area transitions in boss zones..
[AddAtBack] Now adding [OpenChestTask (Leash -1)] This task handles opening chests..
[AddAtBack] Now adding [CombatTask (Leash -1)] This task executes routine logic for combat..
[AddAtBack] Now adding [TravelThroughBossAreasTask-PassThrough] This task will travel though the local area transitions in boss zones..
[AddAtBack] Now adding [ExplorationCompleteTask (Early)] A task to execute exploration complete logic..
[AddAtBack] Now adding [ExploreTask] This task handles exploring an area..
[AddAtBack] Now adding [ExplorationCompleteTask] A task to execute exploration complete logic..
[AddAtBack] Now adding [FallbackTask] This task is the last task executed. It should not execute..
[AutoFlask] Start
[CorruptedAreaTweaks] Start
[StuckDetection] Start
[ExampleRoutine] Start
[Start] Please configure the ExampleRoutine settings (Settings -> ExampleRoutine) before starting!
[Stop] Now requesting the BotThread to stop.
[HandleBlockingChestsTask] Now resetting task state.
[IdTask] Now resetting task state.
[SellTask] Now resetting task state.
[WithdrawTask] Now resetting task state.
[ReturnToGrindZoneTask] Now resetting task state.
[TagWaypointTask] Now resetting task state.
[UseLooseCandleTask] Now resetting task state.
[UnblockCorruptedAreaTransitionTask] Now resetting task state.
[TravelToGrindZoneTask] Now resetting task state.
[TravelThroughBossAreasTask] Now resetting task state.
[TravelThroughBossAreasTask] Now resetting task state.
[Start] The plugin AutoFlask is enabled.
[Start] The plugin CorruptedAreaTweaks is enabled.
[Start] The plugin StuckDetection is enabled.
[Start] PlayerMover.Instance: Loki.Bot.v3.DefaultPlayerMover.
[BasicGrindBot] OnStop
[AutoFlask] Stop
[CorruptedAreaTweaks] Stop
[StuckDetection] Stop
[ExampleRoutine] Stop

can someone plz help me. like over teamvier