I started about a week ago to use your bot for mainly herbing and mining, and some questing. All of this works great. Recently though i started trying out some pet grinding profiles and found a problem that all of them this far has had. They are very strict when it comes to going to their respective hotspots, which i can understand is a very good thing if u run a grind bot in a place with alot of terrain or such, but if not, not so much.
Generally when i farm low level mobs, my char run towards the target and oneshots it(im grinding with frost dk, warlock and balance druid) but then instead of running and looting, it runs to a hotspot(which is usually behind him a few yards away and then run back and loots. Besides the fact that you waste alot of time doing this, it looks extremly botlike. Now im curious if there is anyway to avoid this, or if its just the way Grind Bot is setup.
In old pirox i recall there was an option to skip waypoints, also i think you had the option to increase the density of the waypoints to a very tight degree. Is there anyway to make the bot loot, then either keep running to next closest hotspot, or at least skip 1-2 of them? As said, this seems to only be a problem for me when using grind bot.
Im also curious what command you can use in your profile to disable active pvp combat(that is im the one attacking), unless this only depends on custom classes.
And if its possible to use flight form(and actually fly) when u are using grind bot.
I also realize that direct questions like this might not be the way the support part of this forum is supposed for. But these are questions i recall having, or learning on my own in Pirox, that was kinda fundamental for me. Ive tried many different keywords searching for answers on these forums, and the wiki isnt completly done yet. But if i get answers, maybe someone else can get aswell through searching.
I started about a week ago to use your bot for mainly herbing and mining, and some questing. All of this works great. Recently though i started trying out some pet grinding profiles and found a problem that all of them this far has had. They are very strict when it comes to going to their respective hotspots, which i can understand is a very good thing if u run a grind bot in a place with alot of terrain or such, but if not, not so much.
Generally when i farm low level mobs, my char run towards the target and oneshots it(im grinding with frost dk, warlock and balance druid) but then instead of running and looting, it runs to a hotspot(which is usually behind him a few yards away and then run back and loots. Besides the fact that you waste alot of time doing this, it looks extremly botlike. Now im curious if there is anyway to avoid this, or if its just the way Grind Bot is setup.
In old pirox i recall there was an option to skip waypoints, also i think you had the option to increase the density of the waypoints to a very tight degree. Is there anyway to make the bot loot, then either keep running to next closest hotspot, or at least skip 1-2 of them? As said, this seems to only be a problem for me when using grind bot.
Im also curious what command you can use in your profile to disable active pvp combat(that is im the one attacking), unless this only depends on custom classes.
And if its possible to use flight form(and actually fly) when u are using grind bot.
I also realize that direct questions like this might not be the way the support part of this forum is supposed for. But these are questions i recall having, or learning on my own in Pirox, that was kinda fundamental for me. Ive tried many different keywords searching for answers on these forums, and the wiki isnt completly done yet. But if i get answers, maybe someone else can get aswell through searching.