Not even 500G/Hour with this profile...
U say to use potion of luck but never mention it... Moreover, Potion of luck is rare on HV so...Don't waste our time with this profiles and stop make a new post to clear negative comment...
Because of your comment, I did some testing this evening and wanted to share results.
Here are screen shots of my bags after exactly one hour, along with my session earnings which was reset at the time of running the profile:
Most people don't realize that Motes of Harmony sell As-Is on the AH for quite a lot of money. Alternatively, you can trade them for Trillium/Ghost Iron/Etc - if those are selling good on your servers.
First off, the best money will always come from AH'ing greens and anything that will eventually sell (or at least attempting to AH them first). I think we can all agree, however, that AH'ing greens, while some will eventually sell, takes several re-posts, and sometimes - end up never selling. With that said, here's a summary:
Looted Gold $203.13
Vendored Items $239.35
Auction House Items $927.40
Total Before Greens $1,369.88
With Vendored Greens $1,619.55
With Auctioned Greens (And Patience) $2,632.85
So in a sense, you're correct. The profile wasn't
always pulling 2k+ gph for users that are looking for limited AH - however in time, if attempting to post AH items, and Sell the Motes or items you can get for Motes - You see that you can get well above 2k.
Finally, a screenshot of the overall spreadsheet. I utilized Undermine's US Mean data totals on the Green items since I didn't want to show prices for a single server. . . so these prices in some instances can be higher/lower depending on AH market at the time.
So in summary - if you aren't at all interested in Emperor Shahao Rep, and want to vendor as much stuff as possible - then you're looking at approximately 1500 GPH. If you are interested in Emperor Shahoa Rep for your toons, this profile is easily worth it, and if you're willing to vendor greens - you can make between 2k-3k GPH in time.
I prefer to not waste my time on greens as I feel most do - so I removed it from the graphic image... although it is certainly possible.