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Jan 15, 2010
Hello, im runnin questing bot and randomlly the bot will just hearth and then fly back there where it was questing for no reason im level 42 so its not goin off to train riding or anything it slowing down the questing cause every like i duno 30 mins or so it hearths then waits for hearth stone to be off cd stands around being a dumbass for 30 mins then flys back to questing then kills a few mobs and then hearths again.


Hi, Pepsigoesmoo2,

It appears you are running outdated profiles. You should be running profiles from one of the two following locations:

  • The Buddy Store (preferred, as they're always the most up-to-date).
    You can find the profile pack here: 1-100 Questing Profile Pack

  • Profiles that ship with Honorbuddy.
    You can find them in: .../Honorbuddy/Default Profiles/Questing Profile Pack/

Please replicate the problem using the profiles from one of these two locations, and show us the log from that.

it did it again after using the new files you told me to grab from honorbuddy/profiles/questing it was killin shit then it looted then randomlly was like dude ima hearth for no reason it hearthed then flew back to questing area again
at bottom of log you can see it questing looting stuff then wtf random use of hearthstone then flys back to exact same place to go back to questing again..

F:\Benisfat\Default Profiles\Questing Profile Pack\Classic\[A - Quest] 1-58 [Kick]\[A - Quest] EK 12-58 [Kick].xml
thats the profile im using now.


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