I just bought Hearthbuddy like an hour ago or so, after setting up my deck im REALLY pleased with what you wonderful programmers have brought us.
I really cant express my gratitude enough.
One small flaw I found though was that my Priest deck wont use spells as Power word:Shield and such. Do I enable it somewhere or
are we just in that stage of beta?
Im on version 0.2.403.79 by the way.
Another question: What nets more gold per hour, ranked matches or casual games? My thinking is at ranked you meet the same kind of rank over and over
again, but in casual you can basically meet anyone and get rekt. What do you guys think?
I just bought Hearthbuddy like an hour ago or so, after setting up my deck im REALLY pleased with what you wonderful programmers have brought us.
I really cant express my gratitude enough.
One small flaw I found though was that my Priest deck wont use spells as Power word:Shield and such. Do I enable it somewhere or
are we just in that stage of beta?
Im on version 0.2.403.79 by the way.
Another question: What nets more gold per hour, ranked matches or casual games? My thinking is at ranked you meet the same kind of rank over and over
again, but in casual you can basically meet anyone and get rekt. What do you guys think?