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Heart Of the Wild - A Feral Druid Custom Routine【PvE/PvP】

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New Member
Jul 30, 2013
[ About ]
This is a Feral Druid Class Custom Routine for PvE&PvP .

[ Feature Overview ]
o Perfect support the Heart of the Wild taltent.
o High bleed coverage (97%+) particularly suitable for boss combat and pvp
o High dps Close to the result of SimulationCraft.
o Support the Dream of Cenerius talent.

This is the 549 GearLevel dps:
View attachment 119525

This days Chinese version have the "统御" buff, for more 10% damage:
so the real dps is 215k*90%=193.5k

And This is the SimulationCraft resault:
View attachment 119526

Yeah, Almost equally

[ Botbases Support ]
Tyrael/ LazyRaider / Raidbot /Combat

[ How To Use ]

1.You need these two macros for PvP use with YOUR OWN LANGUAGE.

For example with English is :
/cast !Cat Form
/cast !Bear Form

2. Put these macros on the right position:

put the first macro on the First Button Column of Bottom Left Action Bar;
put the second macro on Second Button Column of Bottom Left Action Bar;
Like these:

View attachment 119524

3 Use this file cover the official routine
Lol. Cats who use simcraft will always underperform.
And at that ilvl i was doing high 230s with Superbad.
Here i was hoping Handnavi would get some asian invasion :) but no, we still have a feral monopoly :)
What are the macros that we need to put down? Can you add them? Or are they just the Bear form and Cat form?
Lol. Cats who use simcraft will always underperform.
And at that ilvl i was doing high 230s with Superbad.
Here i was hoping Handnavi would get some asian invasion :) but no, we still have a feral monopoly :)
I use superbad, and I have used this in the past. And I must admit this beats superbad in pvp. If you look back in the forum, I wrote the pvp guide for superbad.. But this one is actually much better, just the OP was gone for awhile and didn't update.

Handnavi is for pve, this one is quite good with pvp. So it balances out.
What are the macros that we need to put down? Can you add them? Or are they just the Bear form and Cat form?
i cant add macro becouse macro is diffrent for Language resons.
macro/cast !cat form can prevent you cancle form when you just want to use form shift to escape form root,this is imoportant
What are the macros that we need to put down? Can you add them? Or are they just the Bear form and Cat form?
and the macro /cast Savage Roar is in order to Roar when NOT IN COMBAT & NOT NEED A TARGET,is usefull in pvp,couse can keep you have Roar buff everytime.
the api cant do this,couse it need you have a target!
Heart of the Wild is a nice talent, but IMO useless in PvP due to the 8 min CD.
i cant add macro becouse macro is diffrent for Language resons.
macro/cast !cat form can prevent you cancle form when you just want to use form shift to escape form root,this is imoportant

u can add the macros to your routine, you only need a small update to your routine to get the localized spell names at the beginning, it is not that hard, multiple CRs are using it in different versions ...
the more complex one ... look at singular
the simpler ones ... look at PureRotation or YourRaidingBuddy (both use a more simple but also woorking way)
Nice to see some stuff here.
Nevertheless i'd like to make a suggestion:

Can you please only attach the druid files you changed?
The other singular stuff is (highly) outdated.
nvm cleared that out with the macros just still got issues to start the bot lol
i replace this singulars "druid" files with my old and when i start honorbuddy i cant even open singular :S. anyone got same issue?
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