23:10:35 : Stephanie: We are sorry, but unfortunately, Newegg presently does not price match our competitors. We try to negotiate the lowest possible prices we can and pass that savings directly to our customers. All current pricing and inventory is posted on our website in a real-time format. Prices are non-negotiable. Anytime we receive any specials or promotions, we will immediately post them on our website.
23:11:06 : Kick: =( i was hoping you guys did. TG has from 1-2$ to 20-30$ lower on some stuff
23:11:51 : Kick: alright, 2nd question... i'm trying to find a hard drive clip, here is the picture of it
http://www.thermaltake.com.au/content/images/Products/Cases/Mid Tower/Dokker/tool1.jpg
23:12:22 : Kick: do you guys have any of these? i tried clip, screwless clip, hard drive clip, hdd screwless, etc
23:13:15 : Stephanie: Unfortunately, Newegg does not offer any sales support or product advice. However, I would be glad to show you where you can find the manufacturer's contact information on our website. <http://www.newegg.com/Info/ContactManufacturer.aspx?cm_sp=HelpOverall-_-Header-_-Manufacturer> You can also try Newegg's official online community at
EggXpert. This is a forum where tech-savvy customers and community volunteers share their knowledge and specialties with other participants.