The main problem we have right now is the detection currently being done by blizz for the injection on the 32bit side. Does this mean it's "totally" unsafe to bot? No, you can bot just realize that when blizzard flips the switch that there will be no safety net or tool to keep you from being detected.
How can we make it "safe"?:
- We can't, the Devs can't, no one can. That's the double edged sword of botting, when you bot you are taking a risk and placing full responsibility on the developers is not the way to handle things.
- There will always be ban waves and specific player report bans, there's nothing anyone can do to change that unless blizzard just gives up and stops running detection iterations.
How can we make it "safer"?:
- This is a tuff subject for a lot of people since most don't understand the underlying workings of general program code / netcode / mem interactions / hooks / pid spoofing / etc.
- 32bit has it's faults and it's benefits, this has been discussed many times. What we do know is that yes 32bit is a little lacking compared to the benefits form 64bit but we can't expect the dev team to do a full rewrite on a whim. That takes planning and ROI (return on investment).
- Rootkit path, a lot of talk has happened with this and I feel like some if not most are just restating the word and not knowing how it actually works. Yes in actual practice this has proven to be very very effective, BUT this again goes into the ROI side of things where doing a complete rewrite on the core code would have to provide a major benefit to both the dev team and future of the company as a whole.
- Sue Blizzard. Lol this keeps popping up a lot and there's just no validity to it currently and it's much better to let Bossland handle the legal side of things. No single individual currently has enough weight or proof to make any legal grounds against blizzard at this time. Yes there could possibly be something worth looking at legally if we were to provide valid proof that warden is scanning outside the process "actively" ( this doesn't mean scanning PIDs that interact with the wow PID, as this is perfectly within the grounds of the legal document for warden).
- Have fun
- Enjoy a great community
- Bot for the sake of botting
- Don't get upset over the small things, life goes on