Hey guys,
Ive been trying to work a profile with HBRelog and was wondering if I could get some help.
I understand the basics but having issues with what I want it to do.
1.) I would like it to start a profile (Kicks boost)
2.) Run for 2 hours
3.) Change profiles and run (Goldboss Engine)
4.) Wait till thats done
5.) Idle (log out for an Hour)
6.) Rinse and repeat
Right now I have it set to
1.) Wait - 180
2.) Change Profile (Goldboss Engine) I left profile blank because this doesn't need one.. Correct me if I am wrong.
3.) Wait - 30
4.) Idle - 60
I ran this twice but woke up to it not running.. I didn't save the log but I will run again and post anything I find.
Thanks again for your help friends!
Ive been trying to work a profile with HBRelog and was wondering if I could get some help.
I understand the basics but having issues with what I want it to do.
1.) I would like it to start a profile (Kicks boost)
2.) Run for 2 hours
3.) Change profiles and run (Goldboss Engine)
4.) Wait till thats done
5.) Idle (log out for an Hour)
6.) Rinse and repeat
Right now I have it set to
1.) Wait - 180
2.) Change Profile (Goldboss Engine) I left profile blank because this doesn't need one.. Correct me if I am wrong.
3.) Wait - 30
4.) Idle - 60
I ran this twice but woke up to it not running.. I didn't save the log but I will run again and post anything I find.
Thanks again for your help friends!