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[HB3 RECAP] - What Works, what not


New Member
Oct 21, 2012
I see many users posting in many forums so I thought it is better to have a recap to allow any1 to know what works and what doesn't.
So post no whines or cries, we are not interested in that.
We just wanna have a list of working bots.

GRAY = No Reports
RED = NOot working
YELLOW = Starts but doesn't work as intended
GREEN = Works as intended

FISHINGBUDDY - Just works in stationary mode in Broken Isles
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Fishingbuddy works fine for stationary fishing. I got the artifact allready.
Quest bot works very well. Only have to manually fix things once in a while.
I think the answer is HB3 (even HB2 for the last month or two) isnt for AFKing and wont be for a bit while longer.
Not complaining, just an observation I've seen with huge updates and new expansion. There are a lot of changing parts to the new expansions as has been with most expansions.

Everyone just needs to be patient. If you're just planning to AFK when botting, stop your sub to WoW, wait another 2 months or so before you can actually AFK.

I haven't tried extensively to give reports. But the little I did try nothing really worked. I got couple quests done for 100+, but get stuck.
My DK (82) just gets stuck in SW while trying to sell/repair/etc.
But I haven't paid too much attention to WoW last couple weeks due to work, and today was first day actually trying HB3
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Fishingbuddy works fine for stationary fishing. I got the artifact allready.
Quest bot works very well. Only have to manually fix things once in a while.

Wrote you a PM :)


I hope everything will be working again in a decent amount of time, its kinda horrible right now and thats fine ,but hopefully not for another 8 weeks or so.
Lazyraider is not included in HB releases.
Raidbot is included and functions as intended.
can't say QB works.. I just tried the highmountain profile.. and it moves for a while..and then just stops, sometimes attacks an enemy but I think it's only 'cause of it being in range.. I'm not sure why. What do I need to include? (beyond log)

Also the Artifact for Prot Warr questline is fully ignored by QB.
Quest bot is not working well. Stuck and stops in many places. Seems to run pretty good until you hit BC and from then on its very unstable. At this stage I can't even afk Questing.
Quest bot is not working well. Stuck and stops in many places. Seems to run pretty good until you hit BC and from then on its very unstable. At this stage I can't even afk Questing.
I have that exact issue indeed.. the times that QB ran the same circle over and over again in some areas of WoD >.< I don't feel secure AFKing with QB

Agreed with both of these. Questing is not afk right now. You literally have to watch it and check constantly. :(
Quest bot is not working at all for me but every other profiles does. grinding dung etc etc.., stucked on loading Profile
Just a heads up for anyone farming/leveling pre-Legion content, there is a HB2 release that still works great without all the HB3 bugs, it just doesn't support legion content.
Fishingbuddy works fine for stationary fishing. I got the artifact allready.
Quest bot works very well. Only have to manually fix things once in a while.

How difficult was it to get the artifact? Did you just have FishingBuddy fish wherever it found pools?

EDIT: Nope - Just fish wherever in the zone. Three rare fish per zone. Make sure to check the Wowhead guide for more info. Great call out on this one!
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I did virtually all of 100 to 110 through quest buddy and id say a good 85-90% was afk. Works pretty well but doesnt get your pillars except val sharah. You do come within a few quests of each though.

Fishing buddy does fine for stationary fishing

Bgbuddy works fine for me, I've only had deserter once

Dungeonbuddy does not work for me.

Gatherbuddy 2 was working fine on the sumar mining path before i left the house. Granted i only watched for 5ish min

Those are what I've tried so far
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Ya I already had the artifact fishing pole, and I have the fish mount from Margoss as well, fishing works just find
Can you remove from recap "Hb Questing work" , because its not working at all from pre Legion content , i need to use last release of Hb2 for questing atm.
With Hb3 its stop every 5 min so its just no point for now.