1st and Foremost, I am a noob when it comes to using this program, however I love what it does for me so I decided I wanted to help the community out by sharing what work I do for it.
This Profile Farms Noxious Whelps in North-Western Feralas. The drop rate I can not judge as I made this to farm for myself a pet I don't have yet, I must have been lucky (got it on the 5th kill).
I tested this profile with and without having the bot use mounts, If you use the mount it will miss a pull about once every 3-6 mobs (Prolly me not knowing what to set the pull distance to). Telling it to not use a mount it pulls every mob but when it finished one circle takes a bit to get back to the 1st hotspot.
It includes a Repair Vendor as well as a mailbox for Alliance, and Horde.
This profile is meant to be used with Grindbot, or Mixed mode.
Thanks to biggerz for getting the XYZ Coords for the horde Mail and Vendors.
Update: Water Stuck issue, I ran this for over an hour and never got stuck, Are you using mounts at all? I have to turn off use mounts in the settings and tools option of HB as well as the bot config.
Changed horde profile to avoid alliance mobs, need testing to see if it works.
This Profile Farms Noxious Whelps in North-Western Feralas. The drop rate I can not judge as I made this to farm for myself a pet I don't have yet, I must have been lucky (got it on the 5th kill).
I tested this profile with and without having the bot use mounts, If you use the mount it will miss a pull about once every 3-6 mobs (Prolly me not knowing what to set the pull distance to). Telling it to not use a mount it pulls every mob but when it finished one circle takes a bit to get back to the 1st hotspot.
It includes a Repair Vendor as well as a mailbox for Alliance, and Horde.
This profile is meant to be used with Grindbot, or Mixed mode.
Thanks to biggerz for getting the XYZ Coords for the horde Mail and Vendors.
Update: Water Stuck issue, I ran this for over an hour and never got stuck, Are you using mounts at all? I have to turn off use mounts in the settings and tools option of HB as well as the bot config.
Changed horde profile to avoid alliance mobs, need testing to see if it works.
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