Im not using the trial version, there is a log in that folder, not sure if its any help but here it is, also the error is just a ''Honorbuddy has encountered an error and has to close''. Do you want me to screenshot the entire error report or is that pointless?
[12:45:10 PM:437] Loading Honorbuddy 1.7.6 settings.
[12:45:10 PM:500] LastUsedPath:
[12:45:10 PM:500] FoodName:
[12:45:10 PM:500] DrinkName:
[12:45:10 PM:500] MountName:
[12:45:10 PM:500] MeshesFolderPath:
[12:45:10 PM:500] LootMobs: True
[12:45:10 PM:500] SkinMobs: False
[12:45:10 PM:500] NinjaSkin: False
[12:45:10 PM:515] LootChests: True
[12:45:10 PM:515] HarvestMinerals: False
[12:45:10 PM:515] HarvestHerbs: False
[12:45:10 PM:515] UseMount: False
[12:45:10 PM:515] UseOldForm: False
[12:45:10 PM:515] PullDistance: 30
[12:45:10 PM:515] LootRadius: 45
[12:45:10 PM:515] RafFollowDistance: 3
[12:45:10 PM:515] SelectedBotIndex: 0
[12:45:10 PM:515] FormLocationX: 20
[12:45:10 PM:515] FormLocationY: 20
[12:45:13 PM:343] Attached to WoW with ID 3920
[12:45:30 PM:296] Authenticating..
[12:45:31 PM:375] Authentication successful.
[12:45:31 PM:515] Activity: Releasing from Corpse.
[12:45:31 PM:515] Activity: Retrieving Corpse.
[12:45:31 PM:546] New bot added!: Levelbot
[12:45:31 PM:765] Activity: Releasing from Corpse.
[12:45:31 PM:765] Activity: Retrieving Corpse.
[12:45:31 PM:781] Activity: Releasing from Corpse.
[12:45:31 PM:796] New bot added!: PvP
[12:45:31 PM:796] Activity: Retrieving Corpse.
[12:45:31 PM:796] Activity: Releasing from Corpse.
[12:45:31 PM:812] Duplicate default sequence handler for MailItems added! Void #tv()
[12:45:31 PM:812] New bot added!: Mixed
[12:45:31 PM:812] Activity: Retrieving Corpse.
[12:45:31 PM:812] New bot added!: RaF
[12:45:31 PM:921] Honorbuddy 1.7.6 started!
[12:45:31 PM:921] Using wow with process id: 3920
[12:45:31 PM:921] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2
[12:46:14 PM:656] Loading Honorbuddy 1.7.6 settings.
[12:47:22 PM:640] Loading Honorbuddy 1.7.6 settings.
[12:47:30 PM:906] Loading Honorbuddy 1.7.6 settings.
Note that i only managed to log in once, then got the error as soon as i had logged in, other than that im not even getting that far.