This is a profile created for HonorBuddy2 which farms the Bogflare Needler mobs in Northern Zangarmarsh, This profile supports Vendoring & Mailing of items for both Alliance & Horde characters.
Updated to V2.1:
-Fixed issue with swimming between Hotspots
-Revised Hotspots
-More Blackspots
-Improved vendor pathing
-Increased Kills/H
-Fixed a pathing bug which made you spin on the spot for a few seconds
This profile will only be beneficial to you IF:
-You do not have Kurenei rep (access to Orebor Harborage vendor)
-You are lower level (60-65)
-You want to afk bot
Otherwise I suggest you take a look at Tony's profile. http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread.php?8415-Captured-Firefly-Rare-Pet-Farming-by-Tony-for-Hb-1.9.5.
The difference between this profile & Tony's is this profile will vendor at Cenarion Refuge because it doesn't require any rep levels or completed quests. However this does mean increased travel time.
Known Issues:
Fixed in V2+
The pathing on the wooden pathways in Zangarmarsh cause the bot to jolt while passing over them. This might be fixed in future however because the vendor run isn't very frequent I don't see this as a huge issue.
Vendor & Mail:
As stated these are in Cenarion Refuge accessible to both factions.
Blacklists & Blackspots:
All necessary Mobs are Avoided to stop the bot from getting sidetracked on random mobs while vendoring. A total of 18 types of mob are Avoided to ensure the vendor route is as smooth as possible.
If you would prefer the bot to run along the top of the map rather than below the lake back to its grinding spots remove the "Bloodscale Grounds North Camp" Blackspots in the profile.
Protected Items:
Captured Firefly and a whole bunch of generic items are added. (Ammo, Food etc.)
A lot of the protected Item ID's were from various profiles I have used, i'm not sure of the authors for them, but thanks to the community for those.
Experience & Loot:
On a 60 mage I ran this over night with 0 issues. It netted 2x Captured Firefly, 4 BoE Blues and many greens & vendor items.
Reaching 47k Exp/h and 98Kills/h this isn't the fastest experience profile but it is reliable. Using a higher level character of different classes may be more beneficial.
Other classes are much faster
The attached image is how my level 60 frost mage coped overnight, she did get 2 Captured Firefly's.
This is a GRIND profile so this requires the "Grind bot" setting in HB2. Also turning off "Find Vendors Automatically" may help if you run into any issues.
This is a profile created for HonorBuddy2 which farms the Bogflare Needler mobs in Northern Zangarmarsh, This profile supports Vendoring & Mailing of items for both Alliance & Horde characters.
Updated to V2.1:
-Fixed issue with swimming between Hotspots
-Revised Hotspots
-More Blackspots
-Improved vendor pathing
-Increased Kills/H
-Fixed a pathing bug which made you spin on the spot for a few seconds
This profile will only be beneficial to you IF:
-You do not have Kurenei rep (access to Orebor Harborage vendor)
-You are lower level (60-65)
-You want to afk bot
Otherwise I suggest you take a look at Tony's profile. http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread.php?8415-Captured-Firefly-Rare-Pet-Farming-by-Tony-for-Hb-1.9.5.
The difference between this profile & Tony's is this profile will vendor at Cenarion Refuge because it doesn't require any rep levels or completed quests. However this does mean increased travel time.
Known Issues:
Fixed in V2+
The pathing on the wooden pathways in Zangarmarsh cause the bot to jolt while passing over them. This might be fixed in future however because the vendor run isn't very frequent I don't see this as a huge issue.
Vendor & Mail:
As stated these are in Cenarion Refuge accessible to both factions.
Blacklists & Blackspots:
All necessary Mobs are Avoided to stop the bot from getting sidetracked on random mobs while vendoring. A total of 18 types of mob are Avoided to ensure the vendor route is as smooth as possible.
If you would prefer the bot to run along the top of the map rather than below the lake back to its grinding spots remove the "Bloodscale Grounds North Camp" Blackspots in the profile.
Protected Items:
Captured Firefly and a whole bunch of generic items are added. (Ammo, Food etc.)
A lot of the protected Item ID's were from various profiles I have used, i'm not sure of the authors for them, but thanks to the community for those.
Experience & Loot:
On a 60 mage I ran this over night with 0 issues. It netted 2x Captured Firefly, 4 BoE Blues and many greens & vendor items.
Reaching 47k Exp/h and 98Kills/h this isn't the fastest experience profile but it is reliable. Using a higher level character of different classes may be more beneficial.
Other classes are much faster
The attached image is how my level 60 frost mage coped overnight, she did get 2 Captured Firefly's.
This is a GRIND profile so this requires the "Grind bot" setting in HB2. Also turning off "Find Vendors Automatically" may help if you run into any issues.
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