Hey basically what i was planning to do is buy a wow account and have it linked to my main account with the friendly option like that i would get the rocket mount with 2 slots and i would be able to level with 200% experience really fast.
I would have 1 char in my friend account and 1 char in my main account (2 wows at the time) level each other with quests and grind with the 200% exp bonus one being a dps and other healer/assist dps. Then when i reached lvl 60 or 70 id have all those levels to give to two chars and level 2 more for free to lvl 60 or 70. Like this i would technically level 4 at the same time and faster then usual (200% + guild + items).
My question is: would it be risky to have two botting at same time and questing at the same time in a party ? I WOULD NEVER BE AFK, every time i bot i am near the computer checking chat and watching movies or doing something else but ALWAYS PRESENT.
But yeah my question was if i could basically do this with out it being easily banable.
I would have 1 char in my friend account and 1 char in my main account (2 wows at the time) level each other with quests and grind with the 200% exp bonus one being a dps and other healer/assist dps. Then when i reached lvl 60 or 70 id have all those levels to give to two chars and level 2 more for free to lvl 60 or 70. Like this i would technically level 4 at the same time and faster then usual (200% + guild + items).
My question is: would it be risky to have two botting at same time and questing at the same time in a party ? I WOULD NEVER BE AFK, every time i bot i am near the computer checking chat and watching movies or doing something else but ALWAYS PRESENT.
But yeah my question was if i could basically do this with out it being easily banable.