The last few days I have been botting using the 58-68 profile in nagarand. I am also using shamwow CC and the newest version of HB. An interesting situation seems to arise fairly randomly where my toon (a shaman) runs from the water to a thorngrazer and for whatever reason fails to attack it. Instead he runs around it. I dont mean a big circle I mean like he is trying to follow it or attack it but the attack never comes. The restult? He looks like he's trying to hump a gazzel. It is obviously bottish and kinda crazy looking. Aside from the amusement of this he stays that until I notice. Tonight it happend for about 4 hours straight. This has made any kind of AFk botting impossible. The last time this happened (tonight) someone had followed the bot for some period of time (not sure if it was before or after he was gazelle humping) but the HB failed to auto log off (using esafe).
I have seen this happen 3 times on consecutive nights. I have used this same setup with 4 other characters with no problems. I have changed my shaman build from elemental to enhancement. I have tried different 58-68 profiles and still it happens. I have tried different CC versions and still it happens. I have reinstalled HB removed all plugins and still it happens. I am at a loss. Anyone have any ideas?
I have seen this happen 3 times on consecutive nights. I have used this same setup with 4 other characters with no problems. I have changed my shaman build from elemental to enhancement. I have tried different 58-68 profiles and still it happens. I have tried different CC versions and still it happens. I have reinstalled HB removed all plugins and still it happens. I am at a loss. Anyone have any ideas?