Maybe I spotted them easily just because I used HB (and tried some others) for a while last year or so, but I recently started playing again and spotted 2 botters (fairly certain) within my first 2 days back. This was during normal playing and running around goofing off. The first one flew directly over an herb (a bit above it), stopped, went straight down to it, gathered, flew straight up, stopped, flew off in a direct line. The second one was stuck in a small pool of water and couldn't get out. Was just running straight at the edge trying to jump to get out. Sat there and watched it for about 5 minutes. Of course I have no idea, if they were botting, which one they were using. I know when I used HB I'm pretty sure I rarely had a problem. Didn't report them myself, I find it kinda funny. I'm thinkin man, that guy's gonna be dissapointed when he comes back and his bot hasn't done anything lol.
Edit: Jesus people. It's no wonder people get banned. I decided to go to Uldum to do some mining. I've been sitting at this one small cluster of nodes, just sittin here, and I spot a bot pretty much every 15 seconds at least. Usually 2 or 3 of them trying to hit the same node at the same time. The place is overrun with them.