Hello everyone,
I found a place with some moobs I want to farm, and I would like to leave my toon there and farm them on spawn, is there any simple way to make the bot work like:
'Stay' on place, kill moobs that spawn near and loot them.
I don't know anything about making profiles, so my question is if theres any settings I can use on bot to make this happen, thanks for you time, hopefully u can help me with this.
I found a place with some moobs I want to farm, and I would like to leave my toon there and farm them on spawn, is there any simple way to make the bot work like:
'Stay' on place, kill moobs that spawn near and loot them.
I don't know anything about making profiles, so my question is if theres any settings I can use on bot to make this happen, thanks for you time, hopefully u can help me with this.