[10:35:22 PM:93] Mounting:Purple Skeletal Warhorse
[10:35:27 PM:468] [GeneratePath (Horde1-60.mesh)]: WARNING: Suitable end node is more than 25 yards away from the destination point (exact distance is 36.57427 yards)! Please append to your mesh if this gives you any problems.
[10:35:28 PM:578] [GeneratePath (Horde1-60.mesh)]: WARNING: Suitable end node is more than 25 yards away from the destination point (exact distance is 39.19616 yards)! Please append to your mesh if this gives you any problems.
[10:35:30 PM:578] [GeneratePath (Horde1-60.mesh)]: WARNING: Suitable end node is more than 25 yards away from the destination point (exact distance is 42.78611 yards)! Please append to your mesh if this gives you any problems.
[10:35:32 PM:203] [GeneratePath (Horde1-60.mesh)]: WARNING: Suitable end node is more than 25 yards away from the destination point (exact distance is 43.47331 yards)! Please append to your mesh if this gives you any problems.
[10:35:34 PM:0] [GeneratePath (Horde1-60.mesh)]: WARNING: Suitable end node is more than 25 yards away from the destination point (exact distance is 43.86074 yards)! Please append to your mesh if this gives you any problems.
[10:35:34 PM:62] [Navigator (Horde1-60.mesh)]: Changed destination! Last: <NaN, NaN, NaN>, new: <-4915.729, 1409.408, 53.08105>
[10:35:34 PM:171] [GeneratePath (Horde1-60.mesh)]: WARNING: Suitable end node is more than 25 yards away from the destination point (exact distance is 43.84083 yards)! Please append to your mesh if this gives you any problems.
[10:35:34 PM:968] [GeneratePath (Horde1-60.mesh)]: WARNING: Suitable end node is more than 25 yards away from the destination point (exact distance is 43.43543 yards)! Please append to your mesh if this gives you any problems.
[10:35:35 PM:734] [GeneratePath (Horde1-60.mesh)]: WARNING: Suitable end node is more than 25 yards away from the destination point (exact distance is 43.08986 yards)! Please append to your mesh if this gives you any problems.
[10:35:36 PM:562] [GeneratePath (Horde1-60.mesh)]: WARNING: Suitable end node is more than 25 yards away from the destination point (exact distance is 42.60911 yards)! Please append to your mesh if this gives you any problems.
[10:35:37 PM:468] [GeneratePath (Horde1-60.mesh)]: WARNING: Suitable end node is more than 25 yards away from the destination point (exact distance is 41.53806 yards)! Please append to your mesh if this gives you any problems.
[10:35:38 PM:906] [GeneratePath (Horde1-60.mesh)]: WARNING: Suitable end node is more than 25 yards away from the destination point (exact distance is 38.21096 yards)! Please append to your mesh if this gives you any problems.
[10:35:38 PM:968] [Navigator (Horde1-60.mesh)]: Changed destination! Last: <-4915.729, 1409.408, 53.08105>, new: <-4927.596, 1410.681, 52.3379>
[10:35:39 PM:62] [GeneratePath (Horde1-60.mesh)]: WARNING: Suitable end node is more than 25 yards away from the destination point (exact distance is 37.89308 yards)! Please append to your mesh if this gives you any problems.
[10:35:39 PM:203] Jump.
[10:35:42 PM:15] [GeneratePath (Horde1-60.mesh)]: WARNING: Suitable end node is more than 25 yards away from the destination point (exact distance is 31.17585 yards)! Please append to your mesh if this gives you any problems.
[10:35:42 PM:78] [Navigator (Horde1-60.mesh)]: Changed destination! Last: <-4927.596, 1410.681, 52.3379>, new: <-4935.12, 1410.681, 51.89904>
[10:35:42 PM:187] [GeneratePath (Horde1-60.mesh)]: WARNING: Suitable end node is more than 25 yards away from the destination point (exact distance is 30.93252 yards)! Please append to your mesh if this gives you any problems.
[10:35:43 PM:0] Rest: Casting Lifetap
[10:35:43 PM:15] CastSpellById: 11687
[10:35:43 PM:140] Life Tap: Instant Cast.
[10:35:46 PM:218] [GeneratePath (Horde1-60.mesh)]: WARNING: Suitable end node is more than 25 yards away from the destination point (exact distance is 36.983 yards)! Please append to your mesh if this gives you any problems.
[10:35:47 PM:609] [GeneratePath (Horde1-60.mesh)]: WARNING: Suitable end node is more than 25 yards away from the destination point (exact distance is 38.62788 yards)! Please append to your mesh if this gives you any problems.
[10:35:51 PM:250] Groddoc Ape