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HB Not Loading Up All Of A Sudden


Jan 31, 2012
Hey guys, I've been using HB for a few months now without much problems really. A few issues with crashing and stuff and in the past I would jsut re download the files and run it again. Well tonight I logged into the game and then ran HB as admin like always and I get this error message

You have not selected a valid instance of WoW to attach to!
Please restart Honorbuddy and choose a valid instance of WoW to use Honorbuddy with!
This version of Honorbuddy only supports WoW Build #15211
You are currently on build #0
Honorbuddy is up-to-date

I checked the log for this log in session and this is what it said as well, the same thing as my HB screen

I thought well I'll just download the files again and run it. I did and extracted the files to a completely new folder just to be on the safe side and ran it and still got the same error message. I even tried rolling back my internal clock because maybe there was some update I wasn't aware of last night, but the thing is I was botting today till roughly 5pm CST. I took a break and this just happened a few minutes ago.

Any thoughts? Thanks in advance too!
Yeah I am using the most recent version, I have checked it several times to be sure and just downloaded it again after I set my clock back 2 days before this windows update. I'll post the log but it says the exact same thing I posted above, I was hoping it would have maybe some more info in it but it doesn't.

The windows update contained a .net framework update I found so I'm re downloading the newest .net version to see if that fixes it.


open your launcher, go to options, and prefrences and make sure Launch 32bit client is checked.

then once thats done make sure wow is running in directx9 mode.


make sure your running both wow and Hb as administrator.
Dude, I'm an idiot. I downloaded the 4 bit client for wow this afternoon and wasn't even thinking about that. I put it back on 32 bit and things are back to normal. Thanks again!