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HB keeps getting errors and doing weird things


New Member
Mar 25, 2012
ever since i got the update its been doing weird things with different bots. im posting logs as i test each bot.

BG (random BG): doesn't move in AV, sometimes doesn't click accept to enter the BG. randomly cant generate paths. View attachment 4-2-2012_8_54 AM 668 Log.txt

Questing (kicks bc questing profile): it will either run into a wall. get on my ground mount and run circles around mobs while being attacked, or keep having navigation problems and just wont move my toon. BUT when i stop and start the bot again without having to completely close it the bot will work fine until the next error pops up.randomly cant generate paths.View attachment 4-2-2012_3_13 PM 3520 Log.txt

Profesionsbot (1-300 herb&mining that came with the HB): it says it cant load the profile. View attachment 4-2-2012_3_09 AM 2756 Log.txt

grinder bot 2 ((GB2 160-175)(TheCapeOfStranglethorn.Alliance)Herb&Mining): has error saying Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


i am pretty new. how do i do that? and are there any automatic updates i should disable? if so how do i do that?

Also should i start a new mesh folder or do mesh folders not effect the bot itself?

and is it ok if i use one mesh folder for several different characters from the same account

and lastly does changing between 2 different characters about every 6 hours keep you from looking suspicious for being online for a long time?

as always keep up the great work guys, love the bot
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