The default hunter cc works great for me ,i even watched it one day die , res , "level Pull on res " drop a frost trap" then proceed to revive pet and kill mob with barely any hp or mana.It strafes a lot less than the Custom one i used also ,which on every pull was strafing to the left.
I havent had any afk issues , well i had some odd issues with both cc esp if it targets a mob and sends pet and pulls unwanted it does act kind of like afk towards the second mob i think this was worse with the custom cc than default , the default seems to concentrate on the first still and just take a bit of a beating until its dead, then pet goes on unwanted.
With my hunter i was originally stacking as much agility as poss, but the way it works, is that at a certain HP it goes under it will stand there until full because pet feed takes the food slot, im cheap so i dont buy food me and pet can both use.
To get round this i have tried to start stacking spirit with agility and get stamina when i can, been working great so far been runing 7 hours while i slept.