H Helten91 New Member Joined May 12, 2011 Messages 6 Feb 29, 2012 #1 So, I recently bought a new key for HB (a few minutes ago) i've been a regular botter. When I try to launch HB up it gives an wow error, and shuts down. Any thoughts?
So, I recently bought a new key for HB (a few minutes ago) i've been a regular botter. When I try to launch HB up it gives an wow error, and shuts down. Any thoughts?
Tony "The Bee" Joined Jan 15, 2010 Messages 128,830 Feb 29, 2012 #2 on what OS are you and whats the error?
H Helten91 New Member Joined May 12, 2011 Messages 6 Feb 29, 2012 #3 I'm on Windows 7. Error as follows; This application has encountered a critical error: ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal exception! Program: C:\ Program Files (86x)World of Warcraft\WoW.exe ProcessID: 4800 Exception: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 0023:715F5CEE The instruction at "0x715F5CEE" referenced memory at "0x71501AF4" The memory could not be "written". Press OK to terminate the application. So i'm guessing HB isn't allowed to run?
I'm on Windows 7. Error as follows; This application has encountered a critical error: ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal exception! Program: C:\ Program Files (86x)World of Warcraft\WoW.exe ProcessID: 4800 Exception: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 0023:715F5CEE The instruction at "0x715F5CEE" referenced memory at "0x71501AF4" The memory could not be "written". Press OK to terminate the application. So i'm guessing HB isn't allowed to run?
B buzzerbeater Well-Known Member Joined Mar 21, 2011 Messages 5,419 Feb 29, 2012 #4 Steam and ESL Wire deactivated?
Tony "The Bee" Joined Jan 15, 2010 Messages 128,830 Feb 29, 2012 #5 clear your wow cache and disable all your wow addons also if you have any wow modifications or Eslwire installed,uninstall them
clear your wow cache and disable all your wow addons also if you have any wow modifications or Eslwire installed,uninstall them
H Helten91 New Member Joined May 12, 2011 Messages 6 Feb 29, 2012 #6 Ah, totally forgot about ESL wire. Been playing some ESL lately, i'll give it a try. Thanks to the both of you! Lifesavers Works like a charm!
Ah, totally forgot about ESL wire. Been playing some ESL lately, i'll give it a try. Thanks to the both of you! Lifesavers Works like a charm!