Hi all, first off if i have missed an earlier thread on this topic, im sorry.
Ive just started wow again recently, and have been botting my @ss off, however the past week a small problem has repeated itself on a daily basis. Im not sure if it something wrong with HB or the profile im using.
Currently botting a druid/mage/priest/warrior all at various stages.
The profile im using is: [A - Quest] EK 12-58 [Kick].xml
Part of Kick's fantastic quest profile pack.
The problem arises every so-often when the bot performs flightpath update, im not familiar with the mechanics or when it does it, but the bot becomes stuck in a seemingly endless loop, stopping & starting the bot does not help, forcibly moving the bot away does nothing either, its stands there with the flight path map out forever.
Closing the bot client and re-launching does fix this but, i was wondering why this happens, and if there was any work around/fix?
The problem is at the very bottom of this log file, atleast thats all i can discern!
Many thanks,

Ive just started wow again recently, and have been botting my @ss off, however the past week a small problem has repeated itself on a daily basis. Im not sure if it something wrong with HB or the profile im using.
Currently botting a druid/mage/priest/warrior all at various stages.
The profile im using is: [A - Quest] EK 12-58 [Kick].xml
Part of Kick's fantastic quest profile pack.
The problem arises every so-often when the bot performs flightpath update, im not familiar with the mechanics or when it does it, but the bot becomes stuck in a seemingly endless loop, stopping & starting the bot does not help, forcibly moving the bot away does nothing either, its stands there with the flight path map out forever.
Closing the bot client and re-launching does fix this but, i was wondering why this happens, and if there was any work around/fix?
The problem is at the very bottom of this log file, atleast thats all i can discern!
Many thanks,