Hey bobby53,
First I want to say great plugin, been using this + your ShamWoW on my newly created Shaman. After 14 days played, 5 days at level 85, I have full S9 Resto and Elemental set, and a ilvl 368 Resto set for raiding and ilvl 365 Ele offset for raiding.
That aside, is there a way to incorporate an option to only heal certain targets? Take Heroic Nef for example. I was assigned to heal the adds tank as we walk around the room. The problem is, he was my only assignment, we had raid heals + tank heals for Nef and the raid itself. While the CC + plugin worked great anyway, I was OOM with about 40 seconds left in the fight, which could of been very bad news. I was using heals on raid members that were in LoS/range of me, thus wasting the mana that needed to be saved for myself and the add tank. So what I am asking is someway to select one or more individuals to heal ONLY. If I am assigned a specific tank only, I would select him from a drop down or a list, if I am assigned raid heals on say melee group 3, I need a way to say only heal these players or only heal group 3. Is this possible? I had to actually do Heroic Nef by hand this week so I knew I wouldn't go OOM, but the problem was... I NEVER PLAYED A SHAMAN!! Your CC plays for me all the time. In 2 minutes while they explained our guilds strategy to some new trials, I had to go through the action bar, read my spells and order them accordingly... like a real player!! gahh!!! I know, the nerve of some people to play by hand.