[08:23:39:774] Honorbuddy 1.245 settings list
[08:23:39:776] Follow Distance:20
[08:23:39:777] Foodname:
[08:23:39:778] Drinkname:
[08:23:39:779] LootMobs: False
[08:23:39:780] LootChests: False
[08:23:39:780] HarvestHerbs: False
[08:23:39:781] HarvestMinerals: False
[08:23:39:782] SkinMobs: False
[08:23:39:787] LogicType: 0
[08:23:39:788] MountName:
[08:23:39:789] UseMount: False
[08:23:39:799] Pull Distance: 24.
[08:23:39:804] Loot Radius: 45
[08:23:39:806] Last Used Path: C:\hb\Profiles\Tyrs Hand\tyrshand6.xml.
[08:23:41:532] Attempting Authorization
[08:23:44:275] AUTH OK
[08:23:44:281] Authorization Success!
[08:23:44:562] Honorbuddy 1.245 started.
[08:23:44:562] Using wow with process id:5056
[08:23:44:564] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0
[08:23:44:565] Honorbuddy executable: C:\hb\1.245\svchost.exe
[08:23:44:655] There is no profile is loaded! - From: Styx at Styx.Global.()
at Styx.Global.get_CurrentProfile()
at Styx.Logic.Common.Looting.Pulse()
at ..()
at Styx.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()
[08:23:44:811] There is no profile is loaded! - From: Styx at Styx.Global.()
at Styx.Global.get_CurrentProfile()
at Styx.Logic.Common.Looting.Pulse()
at ..()
at Styx.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse()
[08:23:44:900] Character is a level 80 Rogue.
[08:23:44:902] Current zone is: Eastern Plaguelands.
[08:23:46:773] Re-compile complete.
[08:23:52:551] Loaded mesh C:\hb\Profiles\Tyrs Hand\tyrshand.mesh - 1148 nodes in total were found.
[08:23:58:290] Loading C:\hb\Profiles\Tyrs Hand\tyrshand6.xml.
[08:24:03:63] Starting Honorbuddy 1.245
[08:24:03:83] Engine started
[08:24:03:90] Building spell book
[08:24:03:111] Adding: Arcane Affinity.
[08:24:03:141] Adding: Arcane Torrent.
[08:24:03:173] Adding: Auto Attack.
[08:24:03:214] Adding: Basic Campfire.
[08:24:03:216] Adding: Cold Weather Flying.
[08:24:03:217] Adding: Cooking.
[08:24:03:219] Adding: Dodge.
[08:24:03:221] Adding: Dual Wield.
[08:24:03:222] Adding: Find Minerals.
[08:24:03:224] Adding: First Aid.
[08:24:03:226] Adding: Fishing.
[08:24:03:228] Adding: Magic Resistance.
[08:24:03:253] Adding: Master of Anatomy.
[08:24:03:277] Adding: Parry.
[08:24:03:309] Adding: Pick Lock.
[08:24:03:341] Adding: Shoot.
[08:24:03:374] Adding: Skinning.
[08:24:03:406] Adding: Smelting.
[08:24:03:438] Adding: Throw.
[08:24:03:471] Adding: Toughness.
[08:24:03:504] Adding: Ambush.
[08:24:03:535] Adding: Cheap Shot.
[08:24:03:568] Adding: Cold Blood.
[08:24:03:600] Adding: Deadly Throw.
[08:24:03:634] Adding: Dismantle.
[08:24:03:663] Adding: Envenom.
[08:24:03:696] Adding: Eviscerate.
[08:24:03:728] Adding: Expose Armor.
[08:24:03:730] Adding: Garrote.
[08:24:03:732] Adding: Hunger For Blood.
[08:24:03:734] Adding: Kidney Shot.
[08:24:03:736] Adding: Mutilate.
[08:24:03:737] Adding: Rupture.
[08:24:03:761] Adding: Slice and Dice.
[08:24:03:793] Adding: Backstab.
[08:24:03:826] Adding: Evasion.
[08:24:03:859] Adding: Fan of Knives.
[08:24:03:891] Adding: Feint.
[08:24:03:925] Adding: Gouge.
[08:24:03:928] Adding: Kick.
[08:24:03:958] Adding: Shiv.
[08:24:03:991] Adding: Sinister Strike.
[08:24:03:993] Adding: Sprint.
[08:24:03:995] Adding: Blind.
[08:24:03:996] Adding: Cloak of Shadows.
[08:24:03:998] Adding: Detect Traps.
[08:24:04:0] Adding: Disarm Trap.
[08:24:04:3] Adding: Distract.
[08:24:04:5] Adding: Pick Pocket.
[08:24:04:7] Adding: Safe Fall.
[08:24:04:9] Adding: Sap.
[08:24:04:10] Adding: Stealth.
[08:24:04:12] Adding: Tricks of the Trade.
[08:24:04:14] Adding: Vanish.
[08:24:04:15] Spell book built
[08:24:05:291] Re-compile complete.
[08:24:05:343] [Navigator (tyrshand.mesh)]: Changed destination! Last: <NaN, NaN, NaN>, new: <1686,454, -5170,876, 74,00251>
[08:24:13:215] ** COMBAT ** [COLOR=Red]<--- Ill get in combat after runned next too an mob and it started too aggro me.[/COLOR]
[08:24:13:233] AutoAttack ON
[08:24:13:556] CastSpellById: 48638
[08:24:13:688] Took 156 ms to cast:Sinister Strike
[08:24:13:691] Sinister Strike
[08:24:14:431] CastSpellById: 48638
[08:24:14:657] Took 265 ms to cast:Sinister Strike
[08:24:14:752] 1266305055.765
[08:24:14:784] 1266305053.724
[08:24:14:885] CastSpellById: 51722
[08:24:14:979] Took 124 ms to cast:Dismantle
[08:24:14:983] Dismantle
[08:24:16:298] CastSpellById: 1776
[08:24:17:336] Took 1061 ms to cast:Gouge
[08:24:17:348] Gouge
[08:24:17:373] AutoAttack OFF
[08:24:17:725] Stopping Honorbuddy.