Its a good thing he's not using any then, right?
[1:54:15 AM:793] LOADED: Themyscira 0.9
[1:54:15 AM:815] You are Fury spec
[1:54:15 AM:840]
[1:54:16 AM:75] No 34762 in bags!
[1:54:17 AM:363] [AutoEquip]: Found equippable new items in 15 ms, 0.08287293 for each
[1:54:17 AM:456] No 34762 in bags!
[1:54:47 AM:312] interact: 0x1D4FCC50
[1:54:47 AM:343] interact done: 0x1D4FCC50
[1:54:56 AM:302] Loading Honorbuddy 1.6.1 settings.
[1:54:56 AM:382] LastUsedPath: C:\Users\***.***-PC\Desktop\hb22\Default Profiles\Zul'Drak\Zul'Drak\panYama-Argentstrand-Croc.xml
[1:54:56 AM:384] MailRecipient:
[1:54:56 AM:384] FoodName: 34762
[1:54:56 AM:385] DrinkName:
[1:54:56 AM:386] MountName: Black War Tiger
[1:54:56 AM:387] MeshesFolderPath: C:\Users\***.***-PC\Desktop\hb22\Maps
[1:54:56 AM:387] EnabledPlugins:
[1:54:56 AM:388] AutoEquip
edit: oh right now you're gonna be cleaver telling me he took the autoequip from the 1st release eh
still, /facepalm because he didn't read your post with the FAQ then