[5:10:59 PM:591] Pull Max Distance set to 5
[5:10:59 PM:591] Pull Min Distance set to 3
[5:10:59 PM:755] Goal: Grinding to level 58
[5:10:59 PM:756] [Profile Message]: Compiling Hellfire Peninsula Quests
[5:10:59 PM:756] Goal: Grinding to level 61
[5:10:59 PM:762] [Profile Message]: Compiling Zangarmarsh Quests
[5:10:59 PM:763] Goal: Grinding to level 63
[5:10:59 PM:763] [Profile Message]: Compiling Terrokar Forest Quests
[5:10:59 PM:765] Goal: Flying to <-1853.129, 3766.222, 14.80976>
[5:10:59 PM:765] [FlyTo-v184(debug) @line 2928]: Flying to '<-1853.129, 3766.222, 14.80976>': <-1853.129, 3766.222, 14.80976>.
[5:10:59 PM:978] Spell_C::CastSpell(32240, 0, 0x0, 0) [4405]
[5:11:02 PM:464] Spell_C::CastSpell(32223, 0, 0x0, 0) [4406]
[5:11:03 PM:340] [Singular-DEBUG] Successfully cast Crusader Aura
[5:11:11 PM:425] Goal: Dismounting
[5:11:11 PM:448] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 2929]: Dismounting
[5:11:11 PM:448] Stop and dismount...
[5:11:12 PM:964] [Singular] Casting Retribution Aura on Myself
[5:11:12 PM:965] Spell_C::CastSpell(7294, 0, 0x38000000525CE1B, 0) [4407]
[5:11:13 PM:316] [Singular-DEBUG] Successfully cast Retribution Aura
[5:11:13 PM:585] Goal: Grinding to level 66