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An update to this.. its still not working, but its stemming from something with HB. If I manually launch game through launcher OR if I go directly to the WoW.exe file the game launches fine.. it only has that problem launching it via HB.
I did this 100 times over the weekend with no problems.
interesting for those having the problem. try launching HB laucher, hit the launch button then immediately hit x on the launch window.. the game WILL LAUNCH.. something is not working right between HB and the OS.
An update for those having this issues (SOLVED) -- it was pretty easy actually. after spending 1/2 the day doing registry hacks I found all over the internet, I decided to not only set Honorbuddylauncher.exe as administrator (which I already had), but also, I made Honorbuddy.exe as default run as admin. This fixed the problem! just right click on both of those exe's, properties, compatibility, and check "run as administrator". from then on out you dont have to worry about it.