Since using the grind bot to farm leathers in Twilight Highlands I've been coming across this issue more and more. I will leave my profile on over night farming Savage Leathers and Blackened Dragonscales. When I check on the bot, all the mobs it kills are right next to me, but the loot "moneybag" icon is grey and doesn't allow me to loot. Its as tho they were too far from me to loot.
To solve this issue I have to log off my that character and log back in. I can then loot the already dead bodies that I couldn't before. I can only loot/skin 1 or 2 before they despawn tho. It sux leaving my bot skinning overnight for 5-8 hours and waking up and finding out it bugged out after 1 kill and in 5-8 hours it only farmed 2x Savage Leather.
I know this isn't a HB2/GB2 issue, but it stops me from being able to use GB2/HB2. I'm afraid to open a GM ticket to report the issue in case its a bot "fail-safe" issue and I am ratting myself out. I dont expect HB2/GB2 to fix this issue, only hope someone with a similar problem might be able to help.
Attached is a log, but because the issue at least appears to be in wow, don't believe it shows anything too useful.
View attachment 11-1-2011_11_22 AM 2608 Log.txt
To solve this issue I have to log off my that character and log back in. I can then loot the already dead bodies that I couldn't before. I can only loot/skin 1 or 2 before they despawn tho. It sux leaving my bot skinning overnight for 5-8 hours and waking up and finding out it bugged out after 1 kill and in 5-8 hours it only farmed 2x Savage Leather.
I know this isn't a HB2/GB2 issue, but it stops me from being able to use GB2/HB2. I'm afraid to open a GM ticket to report the issue in case its a bot "fail-safe" issue and I am ratting myself out. I dont expect HB2/GB2 to fix this issue, only hope someone with a similar problem might be able to help.
Attached is a log, but because the issue at least appears to be in wow, don't believe it shows anything too useful.
View attachment 11-1-2011_11_22 AM 2608 Log.txt