Superino boyzzz and girlzzz, as the tittle says - havent used the bot in litterly years, last i used it it worked great, i hope it's still as great or even better! Anyways when i downloaded the installer and then run the "Honorbuddy.exe" as an administrator i get up this message: "" , and when i click "Yes" i get sent to a broken website, so i downloaded what i think is the right version manually, and now i get this message: "". I resently also reformatted my computer, so im pretty sure i don't have all the neccesary drivers / visual studio updates or whatever. Can anyone help me out and link me a download that will work for this? Thank's!!
Also, while im here.. I heard in WoD Blizzard was doing alot to prevent Honorbuddy from rekking the game so to speak, is the security alot better nowadays then it were in for example early MoP? thanks again!
Also, while im here.. I heard in WoD Blizzard was doing alot to prevent Honorbuddy from rekking the game so to speak, is the security alot better nowadays then it were in for example early MoP? thanks again!