After reading all the threads blaming Routines and Profiles, rather than careless bot usage, for bans, how many folks have yet to get a ban to date. I personally have been botting for years and have yet to get even a suspension.
I have done every careless thing there is to get banned...
Never got banned
the only time I ever get banned, is in diablo 2 for map hacks lol....
Now i just use the Etal d2nt bot and andy's hacks.
=no ban , blizzard will never update/ patch.
Diablo 3, been botting since Demonbuddy came out for it basically.
and i run the bot pretty much 24/7 unless the power goes out, or im converting vids to different formats, or downloading games.
World of warcraft... I have hacked the shit out of that game...
I even Have videos on one of my USB drives of me FLY/Teleport hacking lol.
I also bot wow almost 24/7
--- its not really about how much you bot.
its normally just about How many people complain, and if your bot is walking to the edge of the map multiple times due to a bot bug.
AS far as the bots go on this website, Never use a beta build, Not only do many people target the beta builds and hack this website. but beta Builds are INcomplete so any little bug can cause an error in-game and trigger you a ban.
I do bot D3 and wow at the same time if anyone was wondering...
you can do that b/c blizzard has 2 separate servers and departments.