Currently running 73 for speed takes me 4-5min on average depending on the map. Have completed 80 with a lot of deaths. There are a number of things you need to understand about archon in order for your bot to be effective but ultimately the bot's logic is going to kill your more than anything. Posting settings is useless really unless you understand what they do or have my exact items stat for stat so I'll just go over my setup and why I use it.
My Character: 891 paragon. Standard FB itemization with Halo ring. All ancients except my compass rose ring which is pretty much perfect regular rolls and I haven't found a replacement. I have a mix of 50-70 augments but nothing crazy.
My Stats are as following: 15045 Int, 10% IAS, 52.50% CHC, 386% CHD, 50% AD, 60.99% CDR, 20% Fire Damage, 19% Arcane Damage. 32.48M toughness in town, 13.51% ranged damage reduction, 23.50% elite damage reduction.
I've rerolled/itemized my gear for Physical Resist / Damage reduction because I run esoteric alteration gem to compensate. I went with this tweak because after watching my bot run for hours I realized that the avoidance logic is really bad in Trinity. No offense to the devs but really you end up dancing around and wasting your archon without doing any damage when you enable most of the avoidance mechanics.
For cube I choose to run In-geom for speed runs so I can double dip on Archon stacks faster. If you're going higher 70's and into 80's you'll need to run Furnace instead.
Ok so now you really need to understand how Archon works. Firstly you're survivability is based on being able to keep a good number of frozen mobs within 25 yards. This requires high density of white mobs around you at all times. Also your main source of damage is 6pc FB set bonus which does a maximum 2400% damage multiplier. This comes from igniting mobs. You can have a maximum of 60 stacks for a total of 2400% damage. You get 50 stacks for one elite mob and 1 for white mobs, so you have two options, either move to elite packs quickly or gather a ton of trash. You also don't want to waste time with low packs. Meaning, sometimes you have 1 elite left after killing off a cluster and champion. What happens in that event is your 6pc FB stack goes to a low value and you spend a ton of time with highly reduced damage trying to kill 1 elite. It is better that you move on to the next cluster to reset your FB stacks to a high level and keep damage output high.
Based on the above factors the two most important settings in Trinity are Minimum Trash Pack Mob Size and Ignore Minions. I have my Minimum Trash Pack Mob Size very high at 20. You should set this value to as high as possible that your character can withstand without dying frequently. With those two settings you're wizard will move more fluidly between large packs.
I set ignore trash further away to 150 and trash pack cluster radius to 45 to extend the scan range further out. Other important values are:
*Always Attack Elites in Clusters - leave this checked as you want to focus elites and have your pulse kill trash on the side.
*Force kill summoners - leave this unchecked, you don't want to give priority to anything else.
*Always kill when combined rift value is more than - set this to max, don't waste your time on low value clusters.
*Ignore when reflecting damage - Leave this checked. At higher GR when elites are reflecting they take extremely long to kill.
Ultimately the bot is your enemy in the long run. Here are a few problems that make the bot unsuitable for Archon success even though the build is the best solo build in the game right now.
1) Avoidance logic sucks in Trinity. You end up teleporting around a lot and not doing any damage. When in Archon you need to be putting out damage as your down phase is your gimp phase, if you're spending your Archon timer hopping around avoiding shit you're actually shooting yourself in the foot. It's kind of a Catch-22. I have like 2 boss mechanics enabled that 1 shot me and the rest I just stand in and hope for the best.
2) I don't think it's a bug, more like two pieces of logic battling each other in game for dominance. If you're running solo with templar follower you'll notice frequently that after you finish clearing a cluster your bot will attempt to move on but all of a sudden teleport back to your templar who is lagging behind and then it gets caught in a loop teleporting between two points. You'll find generally this happens in archon mode a lot. I would say you lose an average of 5 seconds of Archon because of this. Over a GR session you probably lose close to a minute of archon because of this.
3) There's a bug when in archon mode and encountering a barricade, it attempts to destroy the barricade using wand spell which isn't available to wizard in archon mode, the result is your wizard trying to use arcane strike out of range. Essentially just sits there beating on air until archon runs out.
So ultimately the bot is your enemy on this build. Unless a lot of the logic is redone there's too many instances where the logic forces a lot of downtime while in Archon mode. Your non-archon mode is pretty much useless.