Area : Blades Edge Mountains
Mobs : Mostly Deathforge Technician - NPC - World of Warcraft level 67-69 Demon
and Deathforge Over-Smith - NPC - World of Warcraft level 68 demon
with some Death's Might - NPC - World of Warcraft
Amazing profile if you want to farm Netherweave Cloth, Fel Armaments, Marks of Sargeras, Outland greens and coin. Each mob drops 5-10 silver. Fel Armaments and Marks of Sargeras are used for Aldor rep, so if you just want to get another faction to exalted, this'll do it for you in no time. (350 rep per Fel Armament and 250 rep per 10 Mark of Sargeras)
Mobs are around level 68, so you have to be able to handle 3-6 level 68 mobs. I was mowing through these guys at level 68 on my feral druid without much problem, but a mage or some other squishy class might not have as easy a time. There is a patrol of 3 Death's Might - NPC - World of Warcraft wandering in the valley, so you can easily get 4 adds when they get close.
Profile runs through the tunnel, and into the valley inside. You will get adds in the valley. There is also an elite running around in the valley too, he's level 68.
It repairs/mails in Mok'Nathal Village (Horde only). Note: If you're tauren on a tauren mount, the bot will have a hard time getting into the building where the repair NPC is.
Protected items / Force Mail were taken from this thread by thenrique87
Mobs : Mostly Deathforge Technician - NPC - World of Warcraft level 67-69 Demon
and Deathforge Over-Smith - NPC - World of Warcraft level 68 demon
with some Death's Might - NPC - World of Warcraft
Amazing profile if you want to farm Netherweave Cloth, Fel Armaments, Marks of Sargeras, Outland greens and coin. Each mob drops 5-10 silver. Fel Armaments and Marks of Sargeras are used for Aldor rep, so if you just want to get another faction to exalted, this'll do it for you in no time. (350 rep per Fel Armament and 250 rep per 10 Mark of Sargeras)
Mobs are around level 68, so you have to be able to handle 3-6 level 68 mobs. I was mowing through these guys at level 68 on my feral druid without much problem, but a mage or some other squishy class might not have as easy a time. There is a patrol of 3 Death's Might - NPC - World of Warcraft wandering in the valley, so you can easily get 4 adds when they get close.
Profile runs through the tunnel, and into the valley inside. You will get adds in the valley. There is also an elite running around in the valley too, he's level 68.
It repairs/mails in Mok'Nathal Village (Horde only). Note: If you're tauren on a tauren mount, the bot will have a hard time getting into the building where the repair NPC is.
Protected items / Force Mail were taken from this thread by thenrique87