[H - Grind] (almost) fully AFKable 1-90 profile (WIP)
AS I am currently working on QUESTBOT this profile works ONLY with grind bot!!!
I am so sorry for any inconveniences and/or wasted time!!!
please this is a grind bot profile and I'm working on one questing profile as we speak!
So I've attempted to play with a few questing profiles and so far every one I've had to baby sit and work with, between logging into the middle of the ocean or
doing level 1 quests at level 50. So I've poked through the community and taken a few grinding profiles that I've found to work so far and those that do but
have minor flaws - From this I've tweaked them around and updated them/added new areas that are more profitable for EXP and faster areas to grind in.
~~~~~Understand by 100% AFKable it does not mean itll change zones as grindbot cant do that currently this means simply that the toon does not need to be
watched but does need to be moved to appropriate zones and complete 1 quest.~~~~~~
2. Start bot and load my profile
3. At level 58 move to outland
4. Start bot
5. At level 68 fly yourself to borean tundra
6. Start bot
7. At level 80 move yourself to orgrimmar
8. Start bot
9. At 85 go to org complete the quest given to you by a global source called "All Aboard!" complete it
10. Start bot and welcome to 90!
----> I have taken work from [H - Grind] 1-60 Horde Kalimdor (Cata) <-- changed a vendor location to stop the raging treat from raping your bot repeatedly.
----> I've also taken work from [H - Grind] Nagrand 64-69 Ancestral Grounds where I did not change anything props to Eddings this was a beautifully written profile and nets MASSIVE exp/netherweave
View attachment 1-90 WIP rev8.xml Live long and botsper! 12/1/2014
Please let me know any feedback you have even the smallest thing. If you have an idea on how to help speed it up let me know! POST YOUR PLAYED TIMES TO 90!!!
No idea why this is appearing please download revision 8
AS I am currently working on QUESTBOT this profile works ONLY with grind bot!!!
I am so sorry for any inconveniences and/or wasted time!!!
please this is a grind bot profile and I'm working on one questing profile as we speak!
So I've attempted to play with a few questing profiles and so far every one I've had to baby sit and work with, between logging into the middle of the ocean or
doing level 1 quests at level 50. So I've poked through the community and taken a few grinding profiles that I've found to work so far and those that do but
have minor flaws - From this I've tweaked them around and updated them/added new areas that are more profitable for EXP and faster areas to grind in.
~~~~~Understand by 100% AFKable it does not mean itll change zones as grindbot cant do that currently this means simply that the toon does not need to be
watched but does need to be moved to appropriate zones and complete 1 quest.~~~~~~
~~~ So it works likes this ~~~
1. Start off in the Valley of Trials2. Start bot and load my profile
3. At level 58 move to outland
4. Start bot
5. At level 68 fly yourself to borean tundra
6. Start bot
7. At level 80 move yourself to orgrimmar
8. Start bot
9. At 85 go to org complete the quest given to you by a global source called "All Aboard!" complete it
10. Start bot and welcome to 90!
----> I have taken work from [H - Grind] 1-60 Horde Kalimdor (Cata) <-- changed a vendor location to stop the raging treat from raping your bot repeatedly.
----> I've also taken work from [H - Grind] Nagrand 64-69 Ancestral Grounds where I did not change anything props to Eddings this was a beautifully written profile and nets MASSIVE exp/netherweave
February 14, 2014:
~~Currently this profile brings you up to 70. I'm waiting to test the 70-90 part before posting it in. If any errors arise please let me know!
February 15, 2014:
~~Currently brings you up to 80 grinds Northrend and Outlands (requires manual move to Outland and Northrend) ~~~Untested~~~ Please let me know of any bugs out here.
~~Hellfire peninsula initial grinding area had incorrect faction ID's which are now replaced and working properly.
~~FULL rework on hellfire peninsula. Up to 170k/h with 270-300 mobs/h killed (no heirlooms)
~~Rework for levels 63-64 sent to nagrand on a large grind route that farms elementals ogres and local creatures (great for skinning)
February 16, 2014:
~ Fixed borean tundra merchant is now able to repair
~ Borean Tundra is now level 68+ without Level gear. path requires anti drown OR YOU WILL DIE
~ ~Started on a project to write this bot into a partial grind/quest bot for 100% AFKability (random chance to quest or grind for an area/certain amount of levels
and or time to provide a bot that will be able to make its own sudo-decisions to avoid detection as well as be able to be implimented into mixed mode to allow
for fastest grind possible).
February 19, 2014:
~Fixed some areas and adjusted for a faster grind
~Removed protected and mail list
~Added 80-85 uldum grind
~preparing to grind to 90 in MoP
~added a black spot (<Blackspot X="77.8941" Y="-4978.469" Z="11.00441" Radius="46.15442" />) in durotar 06-09 that was causing issues.
~fixed attack range in nagrand at ancestral grounds to no pass up mobs
~fixed some formatting
February 20, 2014:
~~grinding area added for levels 1-90 with supported vendors in all areas.
~level 85-90 grind area ADDED!
~~abut 1.9 to 3mil an hour grind area added for 85-90 only requires the quest done in Orgrimmar called "All Aboard!" get there start it up and enjoy!
March 7, 2014:
~ Cleaned up 1100 lines of code sorry that took so long
~~ Avoided mobs now run properly you can star the bot in orgrimmar flight master and it will take you the area avoiding all mobs that are too high of a level
~ added a new level 06-09 grind area that will avoid that cursed ship that has the bugged mob in it.
~ fixed a few avoid mobs that were not working properly as they were misplaced in the profile.
August 6, 2014
~ Fixed an error trying to send players to Outlands at level 56
~~ Players should now correctly go to Silithus and grind
November 20, 2014
~ Added avoid mob for training dummy in Durotar 1-3 and 3-6
December 1, 2014
~ Fixed a missing <GrindArea></GrindArea> in the file at line 919
Level speed and time:
5 days 18 hours WHILE making this profile WITHOUT heirlooms (means I was standing around doing nothing or exploring/generating hotspots).Revisions:
View attachment 1-90 WIP rev8.xml Live long and botsper! 12/1/2014
~~~~One Final Thing~~~~
Please let me know any feedback you have even the smallest thing. If you have an idea on how to help speed it up let me know! POST YOUR PLAYED TIMES TO 90!!!
No idea why this is appearing please download revision 8
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