[8:13:11 AM:043] Goal: User Attention Required...
[8:13:11 AM:043] Activity: Waiting for user dialog to close
[8:13:14 AM:358] Activity: Continuing profile due to User request
[8:13:14 AM:704] Goal: User Attention Required...
[8:13:14 AM:704] Activity: Waiting for user dialog to close
[8:13:16 AM:252] Activity: Continuing profile due to User request
[8:13:16 AM:427] Goal: Flying to Undercity
[8:13:16 AM:427] [FlyTo-v184(debug) @line 29]: Flying to 'Undercity': <1886.376, 236.4364, 57.90359>.
[8:13:16 AM:736] Spell_C::CastSpell(40120, 0, 0xF13016B600000049, 0) [10]
[8:17:10 AM:996] Inserting Burdrak Harglhelm [Vendor, Repair] into the database!
[8:17:10 AM:999] Inserting Gretta Ganter [Vendor] into the database!
[8:21:29 AM:669] Inserting Gregory Charles [Gossip, Questgiver] into the database!
[8:21:46 AM:058] Goal: Dismounting
[8:21:46 AM:203] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 30]: Descending before dismount
[8:21:46 AM:364] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 30]: Cancelling Flight Form
[8:21:46 AM:397] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 30]: Dismounting
[8:21:46 AM:397] Stop and dismount...
[8:21:47 AM:118] Goal: Flying to Tirisfal Glades, Brill
[8:21:47 AM:118] [FlyTo-v184(debug) @line 55]: Flying to 'Tirisfal Glades, Brill': <2260.874, 287.6914, 33.3797>.
[8:21:47 AM:487] Spell_C::CastSpell(40120, 0, 0x0, 0) [11]
[8:22:03 AM:048] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[8:22:03 AM:296] Goal: Dismounting
[8:22:03 AM:321] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 56]: Cancelling Flight Form
[8:22:03 AM:360] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 56]: Dismounting
[8:22:03 AM:360] Stop and dismount...
[8:22:04 AM:497] Goal: Interacting with
[8:22:04 AM:567] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 58]: Candy Bucket
[8:22:04 AM:651] Activity: Moving to interact with - Candy Bucket
[8:22:04 AM:699] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 58]: Candy Bucket
[8:22:09 AM:048] Activity: Interacting with - Candy Bucket
[8:22:09 AM:071] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 58]: Candy Bucket
[8:22:09 AM:071] InteractDebug:620450496
[8:22:09 AM:080] Interact Done:620450496
[8:22:09 AM:115] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 58]: Candy Bucket
[8:22:14 AM:647] Goal: Running Macro
[8:22:14 AM:647] [RunMacro-v184(debug) @line 59]: Running macro 1 times
[8:22:14 AM:647] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[8:22:15 AM:678] Goal: RunLua: In Progress
[8:22:15 AM:678] Activity: RunLua: UseItemByName(37586) 1 number of times while waiting 1000 inbetween
[8:22:17 AM:039] Goal: Waiting for bot 02s
[8:22:17 AM:039] Activity: Wait time remaining... 02s... of 02s
[8:22:17 AM:236] Goal: Waiting for bot 01s
[8:22:17 AM:236] Activity: Wait time remaining... 01s... of 02s
[8:22:18 AM:157] Goal: Waiting for bot 00s
[8:22:18 AM:157] Activity: Wait time remaining... 00s... of 02s
[8:22:19 AM:206] Goal: Moving to <2260.874, 287.6914, 33.3797>
[8:22:23 AM:624] Goal: Flying to Tirisfal Glades, The Bulwark
[8:22:23 AM:624] [FlyTo-v184(debug) @line 84]: Flying to 'Tirisfal Glades, The Bulwark': <1677.598, -714.269, 58.89039>.
[8:22:23 AM:973] Spell_C::CastSpell(40120, 0, 0x0, 0) [12]
[8:23:04 AM:271] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[8:23:11 AM:601] Goal: Dismounting
[8:23:11 AM:624] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 85]: Cancelling Flight Form
[8:23:11 AM:667] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 85]: Dismounting
[8:23:11 AM:667] Stop and dismount...
[8:23:12 AM:224] Goal: Interacting with
[8:23:12 AM:255] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 87]: Candy Bucket
[8:23:12 AM:281] Activity: Moving to interact with - Candy Bucket
[8:23:12 AM:298] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 87]: Candy Bucket
[8:23:13 AM:819] Activity: Interacting with - Candy Bucket
[8:23:13 AM:832] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 87]: Candy Bucket
[8:23:13 AM:833] InteractDebug:725839112
[8:23:13 AM:852] Interact Done:725839112
[8:23:13 AM:866] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 87]: Candy Bucket
[8:23:19 AM:350] Goal: Running Macro
[8:23:19 AM:350] [RunMacro-v184(debug) @line 88]: Running macro 1 times
[8:23:19 AM:350] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[8:23:20 AM:363] Goal: RunLua: In Progress
[8:23:20 AM:363] Activity: RunLua: UseItemByName(37586) 1 number of times while waiting 1000 inbetween
[8:23:21 AM:815] Goal: Waiting for bot 02s
[8:23:21 AM:815] Activity: Wait time remaining... 02s... of 02s
[8:23:21 AM:951] Goal: Waiting for bot 01s
[8:23:21 AM:951] Activity: Wait time remaining... 01s... of 02s
[8:23:22 AM:816] Goal: Waiting for bot 00s
[8:23:22 AM:816] Activity: Wait time remaining... 00s... of 02s
[8:23:23 AM:900] Goal: Moving to <1677.598, -714.269, 58.89039>
[8:23:25 AM:408] Goal: Flying to Silverpine Forest, Forsaken Rear Guard
[8:23:25 AM:408] [FlyTo-v184(debug) @line 113]: Flying to 'Silverpine Forest, Forsaken Rear Guard': <1074.243, 1580.913, 27.73073>.
[8:23:25 AM:813] Spell_C::CastSpell(40120, 0, 0x0, 0) [13]
[8:24:41 AM:022] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[8:24:46 AM:827] Goal: Dismounting
[8:24:46 AM:836] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 114]: Cancelling Flight Form
[8:24:46 AM:858] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 114]: Dismounting
[8:24:46 AM:858] Stop and dismount...
[8:24:47 AM:554] Goal: Interacting with
[8:24:47 AM:613] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 116]: Candy Bucket
[8:24:47 AM:703] Activity: Moving to interact with - Candy Bucket
[8:24:47 AM:754] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 116]: Candy Bucket
[8:24:47 AM:756] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[8:24:48 AM:401] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 116]: Candy Bucket
[8:24:48 AM:503] Activity: Moving to interact with - Candy Bucket
[8:24:48 AM:549] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 116]: Candy Bucket
[8:24:51 AM:554] Activity: Interacting with - Candy Bucket
[8:24:51 AM:584] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 116]: Candy Bucket
[8:24:51 AM:585] InteractDebug:725841200
[8:24:51 AM:587] Interact Done:725841200
[8:24:51 AM:614] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 116]: Candy Bucket
[8:24:57 AM:099] Goal: Running Macro
[8:24:57 AM:099] [RunMacro-v184(debug) @line 117]: Running macro 1 times
[8:24:57 AM:099] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[8:24:58 AM:634] Goal: RunLua: In Progress
[8:24:58 AM:634] Activity: RunLua: UseItemByName(37586) 1 number of times while waiting 1000 inbetween
[8:24:59 AM:820] Goal: Waiting for bot 02s
[8:24:59 AM:820] Activity: Wait time remaining... 02s... of 02s
[8:24:59 AM:981] Goal: Waiting for bot 01s
[8:24:59 AM:981] Activity: Wait time remaining... 01s... of 02s
[8:25:00 AM:946] Goal: Waiting for bot 00s
[8:25:00 AM:946] Activity: Wait time remaining... 00s... of 02s
[8:25:01 AM:848] Goal: Moving to <1074.243, 1580.913, 27.73073>
[8:25:06 AM:109] Goal: Flying to Silverpine Forest, The Sepulcher
[8:25:06 AM:109] [FlyTo-v184(debug) @line 143]: Flying to 'Silverpine Forest, The Sepulcher': <483.45, 1520.593, 133.1494>.
[8:25:06 AM:415] Spell_C::CastSpell(40120, 0, 0x0, 0) [14]
[8:25:28 AM:340] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[8:25:29 AM:136] Goal: Dismounting
[8:25:29 AM:157] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 144]: Cancelling Flight Form
[8:25:29 AM:168] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 144]: Dismounting
[8:25:29 AM:168] Stop and dismount...
[8:25:29 AM:760] Goal: Interacting with
[8:25:29 AM:786] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 146]: Candy Bucket
[8:25:29 AM:814] Activity: Moving to interact with - Candy Bucket
[8:25:29 AM:827] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 146]: Candy Bucket
[8:25:34 AM:148] Activity: Interacting with - Candy Bucket
[8:25:34 AM:158] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 146]: Candy Bucket
[8:25:34 AM:158] InteractDebug:620453976
[8:25:34 AM:189] Interact Done:620453976
[8:25:34 AM:196] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 146]: Candy Bucket
[8:25:39 AM:594] Goal: Running Macro
[8:25:39 AM:594] [RunMacro-v184(debug) @line 147]: Running macro 1 times
[8:25:39 AM:594] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[8:25:41 AM:125] Goal: RunLua: In Progress
[8:25:41 AM:125] Activity: RunLua: UseItemByName(37586) 1 number of times while waiting 1000 inbetween
[8:25:42 AM:307] Goal: Waiting for bot 02s
[8:25:42 AM:307] Activity: Wait time remaining... 02s... of 02s
[8:25:42 AM:424] Goal: Waiting for bot 01s
[8:25:42 AM:424] Activity: Wait time remaining... 01s... of 02s
[8:25:43 AM:416] Goal: Waiting for bot 00s
[8:25:43 AM:416] Activity: Wait time remaining... 00s... of 02s
[8:25:44 AM:340] Goal: Moving to <483.45, 1520.593, 133.1494>
[8:25:48 AM:056] Goal: Flying to Hillsbrad Foothills, Tarren Mill
[8:25:48 AM:056] [FlyTo-v184(debug) @line 172]: Flying to 'Hillsbrad Foothills, Tarren Mill': <-38.23497, -946.0353, 54.28238>.
[8:25:48 AM:306] Spell_C::CastSpell(40120, 0, 0x0, 0) [15]
[8:27:07 AM:421] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[8:27:12 AM:775] Goal: Dismounting
[8:27:12 AM:785] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 173]: Cancelling Flight Form
[8:27:12 AM:826] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 173]: Dismounting
[8:27:12 AM:826] Stop and dismount...
[8:27:13 AM:875] Goal: Interacting with
[8:27:13 AM:906] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 175]: Candy Bucket
[8:27:13 AM:958] Activity: Moving to interact with - Candy Bucket
[8:27:13 AM:979] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 175]: Candy Bucket
[8:27:17 AM:305] Activity: Interacting with - Candy Bucket
[8:27:17 AM:451] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 175]: Candy Bucket
[8:27:17 AM:451] InteractDebug:725834240
[8:27:17 AM:465] Interact Done:725834240
[8:27:17 AM:508] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 175]: Candy Bucket
[8:27:22 AM:884] Goal: Running Macro
[8:27:22 AM:884] [RunMacro-v184(debug) @line 176]: Running macro 1 times
[8:27:22 AM:884] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[8:27:24 AM:423] Goal: RunLua: In Progress
[8:27:24 AM:423] Activity: RunLua: UseItemByName(37586) 1 number of times while waiting 1000 inbetween
[8:27:25 AM:614] Goal: Waiting for bot 02s
[8:27:25 AM:614] Activity: Wait time remaining... 02s... of 02s
[8:27:25 AM:739] Goal: Waiting for bot 01s
[8:27:25 AM:739] Activity: Wait time remaining... 01s... of 02s
[8:27:26 AM:771] Goal: Waiting for bot 00s
[8:27:26 AM:771] Activity: Wait time remaining... 00s... of 02s
[8:27:27 AM:783] Goal: Moving to <-38.23497, -946.0353, 54.28238>
[8:27:30 AM:619] Goal: Flying to Hillsbrad Foothills, Eastpoint Tower
[8:27:30 AM:619] [FlyTo-v184(debug) @line 202]: Flying to 'Hillsbrad Foothills, Eastpoint Tower': <-572.1671, -1083.49, 61.66709>.
[8:27:30 AM:857] Spell_C::CastSpell(40120, 0, 0x0, 0) [16]
[8:27:49 AM:379] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[8:27:51 AM:063] Goal: Dismounting
[8:27:51 AM:079] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 203]: Cancelling Flight Form
[8:27:51 AM:102] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 203]: Dismounting
[8:27:51 AM:102] Stop and dismount...
[8:27:51 AM:879] Goal: Interacting with
[8:27:51 AM:900] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 205]: Candy Bucket
[8:27:51 AM:916] Activity: Moving to interact with - Candy Bucket
[8:27:51 AM:923] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 205]: Candy Bucket
[8:27:54 AM:028] Activity: Interacting with - Candy Bucket
[8:27:54 AM:034] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 205]: Candy Bucket
[8:27:54 AM:034] InteractDebug:725841896
[8:27:54 AM:042] Interact Done:725841896
[8:27:54 AM:047] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 205]: Candy Bucket
[8:27:59 AM:360] Goal: Running Macro
[8:27:59 AM:360] [RunMacro-v184(debug) @line 206]: Running macro 1 times
[8:27:59 AM:360] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[8:28:00 AM:861] Goal: RunLua: In Progress
[8:28:00 AM:861] Activity: RunLua: UseItemByName(37586) 1 number of times while waiting 1000 inbetween
[8:28:02 AM:048] Goal: Waiting for bot 02s
[8:28:02 AM:048] Activity: Wait time remaining... 02s... of 02s
[8:28:02 AM:210] Goal: Waiting for bot 01s
[8:28:02 AM:210] Activity: Wait time remaining... 01s... of 02s
[8:28:03 AM:063] Goal: Waiting for bot 00s
[8:28:03 AM:063] Activity: Wait time remaining... 00s... of 02s
[8:28:04 AM:141] Goal: Moving to <-572.1671, -1083.49, 61.66709>
[8:28:04 AM:670] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[8:28:06 AM:583] Goal: Flying to Western Plaguelands, Andorhal
[8:28:06 AM:583] [FlyTo-v184(debug) @line 232]: Flying to 'Western Plaguelands, Andorhal': <1535.444, -1635.236, 67.89111>.
[8:28:06 AM:936] Spell_C::CastSpell(40120, 0, 0x0, 0) [17]
[8:29:20 AM:107] Goal: Dismounting
[8:29:20 AM:129] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 233]: Cancelling Flight Form
[8:29:20 AM:142] [ForcedDismount-v184(debug) @line 233]: Dismounting
[8:29:20 AM:142] Stop and dismount...
[8:29:21 AM:148] Goal: Interacting with
[8:29:21 AM:177] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 235]: Candy Bucket
[8:29:21 AM:216] Activity: Moving to interact with - Candy Bucket
[8:29:21 AM:247] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 235]: Candy Bucket
[8:29:21 AM:247] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[8:29:21 AM:651] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 235]: Candy Bucket
[8:29:21 AM:690] Activity: Moving to interact with - Candy Bucket
[8:29:21 AM:710] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 235]: Candy Bucket
[8:29:26 AM:292] Activity: Interacting with - Candy Bucket
[8:29:26 AM:304] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 235]: Candy Bucket
[8:29:26 AM:304] InteractDebug:725848856
[8:29:26 AM:312] Interact Done:725848856
[8:29:26 AM:324] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 235]: Candy Bucket
[8:29:31 AM:804] Goal: Running Macro
[8:29:31 AM:804] [RunMacro-v184(debug) @line 236]: Running macro 1 times
[8:29:31 AM:804] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[8:29:33 AM:335] Goal: RunLua: In Progress
[8:29:33 AM:335] Activity: RunLua: UseItemByName(37586) 1 number of times while waiting 1000 inbetween
[8:29:34 AM:577] Goal: Waiting for bot 02s
[8:29:34 AM:577] Activity: Wait time remaining... 02s... of 02s
[8:29:34 AM:708] Goal: Waiting for bot 01s
[8:29:34 AM:708] Activity: Wait time remaining... 01s... of 02s
[8:29:35 AM:656] Goal: Waiting for bot 00s
[8:29:35 AM:656] Activity: Wait time remaining... 00s... of 02s
[8:29:36 AM:614] Goal: Moving to <1535.444, -1635.236, 67.89111>
[8:29:36 AM:623] [STUCK] Got stuck at <1540.574, -1656.869, 72.37795> on map 0
[8:29:36 AM:645] [STUCK][HITTEST] LD/LU: False
[8:29:36 AM:645] [STUCK][HITTEST] Left: False
[8:29:36 AM:645] [STUCK][HITTEST] RD/RU: False
[8:29:36 AM:645] [STUCK][HITTEST] Right: False
[8:29:36 AM:645] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind: False
[8:29:36 AM:645] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Left: True
[8:29:36 AM:645] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Right: False
[8:29:39 AM:893] [STUCK] Strafing worked!
[8:29:43 AM:372] Goal: Flying to Up
[8:29:43 AM:372] [FlyTo-v184(debug) @line 240]: Flying to 'Up': <-14450.41, 461.675, 136.4063>.
[8:29:43 AM:592] Spell_C::CastSpell(40120, 0, 0x0, 0) [18]