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Guy says he recorded me botting :(

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New Member
Jan 3, 2011
Hi guys!
So basically i have been undercutting a guy for a few days now, and today when i did it again he whispered me, and said he had seen me botting and recorded it for 10mins where my char is just following the same route..

What should I do? he told me that, if he sees me there again, he will report me. I have seen atleast 2 other people botting there, and im almost always at the computer when botting..

Should i find something new to farm? :/

Kind regards
He prolly said the same thing to 10 other people, if you stop putting stuff in AH your just confirming it to him
So I should just keep botting in the same area ? I guess he will report me then : /
If you want to undercut him do it with a banker account. Id personally tips you to try to sell it in trade / cod
Probably bluffing because he's pissed you are undercutting him. If you stop farming you will just acknowledge you're botting like said by rebel.
If you have another toon that can farm use that toon for a while and send the mats to the toon you were posting on the AH with to show u didnt stop farming. Or just post on the AH with a new toon.
Im currently farming the same place with another char :) hope that will work hehe
If he was gonna report you, he would have done it by now. He's a botter too no doubt.
Tell him to go f**k himself.
How many stacks doe's he have up? if he have 40+ every day I bet he bot's too :P
I suppose lesson one is to seperate the source (farming toon) from the seller (some bank alt) to reduce people being able to track you like that.

That said, I'd be tempted to suggest asking him to prove it.. and if your toon is following an incredibly precise route I'd suggest changing it up a bit somehow. If it's just that it is doing counterclockwise laps in say Shol basin, screw him lots of people follow a general pattern to their farming.
if he is selling the same thing, he is probably botting aswell...
but if you don't care about it, you piss him off because the blackmailing didnt work :P
Hi guys!
So basically i have been undercutting a guy for a few days now, and today when i did it again he whispered me, and said he had seen me botting and recorded it for 10mins where my char is just following the same route..

What should I do? he told me that, if he sees me there again, he will report me. I have seen atleast 2 other people botting there, and im almost always at the computer when botting..

Should i find something new to farm? :/

Kind regards

Personally, I'd have just laughed at him and said something like: "What is a bot"? Are you mad? You sure seem mad! How come you have so many of that item on the AH btw? I only put 3 stacks (I never put more than that of any one thing in an AH anywhere. If you've watched the AH, you know what will sell fast and that is the item you want to farm anyway. Put 3 in, wait for them to sell and then put 3 more in until you've exhausted your stash. As you can tell, I have a belief that the person that puts massive amounts of one item on the Ah all at one time, has a red flag on thier back automatically.) in there, how did you manage 10 stacks? Wow! you must be epic! It took me 4 hours just to get the three (a lie but how would they know?). My Auctioneer is set by default to undercut everything in the AH. But what is a bot?

I'm in agreement with the others that said" If he really had anything on you, he'd have turned you in and said nothing to you. Also make note of the toons names you see out where you're botting. While the individual can have other toons, that s/he may use to watch you, it takes nothing to go on to the wow site and see if they are one in the same person playing each. And watch the toons that show up in the area you're in. Take notice of if they they linger from a distance. If they do, just move somewhere else. I've made about 5 grinding profiles in the basin, all for skinning and all of them are so I can change the profiles every two hours and keep collecting. I dont' link them all together, I just load one randomly every two hours.

Don't sweat it.
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I would've screen shot, then turn around and told him I was reporting him for blackmailing me.
Then go on and manually farm for a couple of days
Tell him if he doesn't shut up, you have 10 minutes of his mom give you a BJ that you'll submit to youtube...

I hate a-holes like that!
I've had someone call me out on shit, I then happily did what I figure any botter would do. I did a /who, saw his guild tag, /who his guild and noticed he had a level 85 in twilight highlands on in his guild, and beyond that it was just him (level 1 in org) and the 85 online. I said look we know whats up, you only have a level 1 in your guild online with an 85 in twilight highlands, quit your shit.

Never heard from him again. Lucky for me, the AH account was on the same farmer account as the server I was on so he couldnt do it to me :P
Ok guys thanks ALOT! im gonna try piss him off more today, and see if he will bring up the blackmailing again, then take screenshot and say im reporting him :) I?m currently botting the same place with my warrior getting alot of skins.. the place im botting is Obsidian Forest in Twilight Highlands, skinning mobs and making leg enchants, those are the ones im undercutting him on :)..

again, thanks alot for all the help guys, i really appreciate it! :)

1 guy reports you out of 12 million subscriptions.. you think it will get blizz's attention?
I dont think so.
Yes CalifRHCP, i am.. listing max 10 items a day, i dont think that will trigger anything :)
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