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Guild bank gold


Jan 15, 2010
Is it safe to transfer gold through guild bank from my botting account to main? What if its not empty guild does this make it safer or will I still end up banned with "exploiting of economy" or something like that?
What I've learned from botting, getting banned, and botting again. Blizzard doesn't pay attention to this at all. I ran 5 bots last banwave, 4 of them got banned. The only one that didn't was literally the one that had the bank on it and I ran a character on that account 24/7 to farm when I wasn't banking.

They don't have time to go through all the details they just ban you if youre detected
What I've learned from botting, getting banned, and botting again. Blizzard doesn't pay attention to this at all. I ran 5 bots last banwave, 4 of them got banned. The only one that didn't was literally the one that had the bank on it and I ran a character on that account 24/7 to farm when I wasn't banking.

They don't have time to go through all the details they just ban you if youre detected

Alright, well this does sound right. They would have huge job with tracing the gold from bank to characters etc
Is it safe to transfer gold through guild bank from my botting account to main? What if its not empty guild does this make it safer or will I still end up banned with "exploiting of economy" or something like that?
No, it isn't safe.
from personal experience speaking.... I got MOP account just for my bank and I never botted a single day on it and it's still running. Every other account that I botted on and transferred gold though MOP account is banned though.

I also had an account with 7 100s on it and one lvl 1 bank with few slots, when account got banned they removed all gold from account, even from the gbank, taking maybe 20k in tottal.
from personal experience speaking.... I got MOP account just for my bank and I never botted a single day on it and it's still running. Every other account that I botted on and transferred gold though MOP account is banned though.

I also had an account with 7 100s on it and one lvl 1 bank with few slots, when account got banned they removed all gold from account, even from the gbank, taking maybe 20k in tottal.

I had 3 Gbanks that had cap gold in them during the December ban wave. the did not touch the gold just had to wait the 90 days and took over gm with a classic account. just have to make sure you alt toon is rank 2 to take over the guild. but is always better to keep the gold with the bots and if you need something use the bot to buy it off the ah/ player then COD it to your self for a few copper
Looks like people have different experiences with this. Guess I have to take the risk as no way in hell I am farming gold legit
I got a 6months suspension last banwave in December.. came back and didnt touch anything from Gbank, but lost all money that was on the chars. So I believe that they dont botter, just that they ban/suspend your account if they catch you botting, but they dont care about the Gbank, cause in reality it dosnt belong to anyone.. So if you want to have an insurance make an acc that you dont bot on and make that Guildmaster or something.. although there is nothing safe with botting, that is the only sure thing that can be said, anything else is speculation.
Would you advise removing the gold from the gbank from a non-botted account to ensure that it's safe

Eg - 5 Accounts dump gold into gbank -
Low level toon from non-botted account who is linked to the guild removes all the gold and has it sitting on them

that way if the botted accounts are banned and the gbank is wiped - all the gold is technically with a non-botted account.

Happy to hear thoughts.
I'm running 5 bots right now, farming gold, 24/7.
Got my guild on my main acc, but a character that I never play. Never had any issues.

Sold 600k a few days ago as well, no issues.