Hey, I'm relatively new to botting in general...
I have been browsing the forums for a few days, and been exclusively just quest botting ingame.
I know there are several options for the type of bot, and some are self explanatory and/or easy to setup, but I was wondering if there was a spot that has a full in depth highly detailed explanation and walkthrough for each of the types of bots, and how to set them up, with perhaps some links to examples of profiles/CC/whatever else there is that would be useful/helpful?
For example, I can 'guess' at what mixmode does, but I'm actually not sure, and can't find an indepth explanation/guide on it.
Another example, say I wanted to level archeology and mining/herbs. I *think* I know how to do one or the other (GB(with profiles)/Archbuddy) but is there a way to do both at once? I think that Archbuddy with gathering mining/herbs in the settings would work, in the sense it would pick stuff up as it went over them, but what about also following the gathering paths to actually level up the mining/herb so that it works in all locations available to the player level for archeology?
In any case, I couldn't find what I was looking for, but what I'm looking for may just not be something that can even be found. Once I get more....acquired with the bot directly, I may write a full encompassing document for indepth setups, ubernoob guides, etc.
I have been browsing the forums for a few days, and been exclusively just quest botting ingame.
I know there are several options for the type of bot, and some are self explanatory and/or easy to setup, but I was wondering if there was a spot that has a full in depth highly detailed explanation and walkthrough for each of the types of bots, and how to set them up, with perhaps some links to examples of profiles/CC/whatever else there is that would be useful/helpful?
For example, I can 'guess' at what mixmode does, but I'm actually not sure, and can't find an indepth explanation/guide on it.
Another example, say I wanted to level archeology and mining/herbs. I *think* I know how to do one or the other (GB(with profiles)/Archbuddy) but is there a way to do both at once? I think that Archbuddy with gathering mining/herbs in the settings would work, in the sense it would pick stuff up as it went over them, but what about also following the gathering paths to actually level up the mining/herb so that it works in all locations available to the player level for archeology?
In any case, I couldn't find what I was looking for, but what I'm looking for may just not be something that can even be found. Once I get more....acquired with the bot directly, I may write a full encompassing document for indepth setups, ubernoob guides, etc.