Currently the MoveTo always needs all coords.
I want to use it wiht only xy and let the high be open.
This should also return a valid point to navigate to.
@ Mashtag is there any option to do this righ away.
e.g. I want to moveto("123.453,??,-12.34);
I can not ask from -50 to +50 in 10 steps until the navigator returns a valid path but I think mashtag would not like this.
So what way do I have to move like this. I mean ?? should be obvoius for the gaja navigator becuase there is only one hight at a normal location.
And if we are in Limsa where it could happen that there are more than one either return an error or return all posible values for ??
can i use canfullynavigateto with dummy locations and varoius z values and see which is actually return true? Or will you kill me if i use this function with a list of 30 targets?
I want to use it wiht only xy and let the high be open.
This should also return a valid point to navigate to.
@ Mashtag is there any option to do this righ away.
e.g. I want to moveto("123.453,??,-12.34);
I can not ask from -50 to +50 in 10 steps until the navigator returns a valid path but I think mashtag would not like this.
So what way do I have to move like this. I mean ?? should be obvoius for the gaja navigator becuase there is only one hight at a normal location.
And if we are in Limsa where it could happen that there are more than one either return an error or return all posible values for ??
can i use canfullynavigateto with dummy locations and varoius z values and see which is actually return true? Or will you kill me if i use this function with a list of 30 targets?
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