unable to attach to wow build 0, restart wow and honorbuddy, tilemap is null, repeat, same issue, 5 times later (20 mins) then it runs off course, then stands there till i restart this process, fix this shit please..
well kickazz your a great help no joke, but like how do i attach a log when it just runs off, as if its bugged... i used a cinderweb one, (look it up) and then i came back, and it was in the middle of firelands, just sitting on my mount, and then i restarted it, and it worked again for 20 mins
heres the log =3
[1:06:00 PM:467] 0=={wRogue==> Killing Cinderweb Creeper at range of 3 yards.
[1:06:00 PM:863] Spell_C::CastSpell(51723, 0, 0xF130CDA800024FA2, 0) [2306]
[1:06:00 PM:864] 0=={wRogue==> Skill: Fan of Knives
[1:06:01 PM:807] 0=={wRogue==> I died.
[1:06:02 PM:079] Cleared POI - Reason Player Died
[1:06:02 PM:079] Cleared POI
[1:06:02 PM:239] Activity: Releasing from corpse
[1:06:02 PM:239] Activity: Releasing corpse
[1:06:02 PM:239] I died!
[1:06:02 PM:329] Activity: Releasing from corpse
[1:06:11 PM:088] Spell_C::CastSpell(1784, 0, 0x0, 0) [2307]
[1:06:11 PM:145] 0=={wRogue==> Skill: Stealth
[1:06:12 PM:706] Activity: Moving to hotspot
[1:06:12 PM:706] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[1:06:12 PM:706] Loading FirelandsDailies_31_30
[1:06:13 PM:050] Activity: Moving to hotspot
[1:06:14 PM:343] Mounting: Mekgineer's Chopper
[1:06:27 PM:572] [STUCK] Got stuck at <1054.472, 358.1345, 41.05523> on map 861
[1:06:27 PM:605] [STUCK][HITTEST] LD/LU: False
[1:06:27 PM:605] [STUCK][HITTEST] Left: False
[1:06:27 PM:605] [STUCK][HITTEST] RD/RU: False
[1:06:27 PM:605] [STUCK][HITTEST] Right: False
[1:06:27 PM:605] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind: False
[1:06:27 PM:605] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Left: False
[1:06:27 PM:605] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Right: False
[1:06:27 PM:606] Stop and dismount... Reason: [STUCK] Dismounting
[1:06:28 PM:614] [STUCK] Moving Forward for 750ms.
new issue, i start honorbuddy, login, loads and everything, then i go to make it farm BGs or Mining in twilight, then it says tilemap is null, 3 reinstalls, 9 restarts of wow and honorbuddy, still says tilemap is null. really getting frustrating. and since you dont recieve private messages, could u split up your lvling 1-60? thats just too big a number, maybe 1-12 12-30 31-60 would be better, cuz i do like lvling with friends from time to time.
new issue, i start honorbuddy, login, loads and everything, then i go to make it farm BGs or Mining in twilight, then it says tilemap is null, 3 reinstalls, 9 restarts of wow and honorbuddy, still says tilemap is null. really getting frustrating. and since you dont recieve private messages, could u split up your lvling 1-60? thats just too big a number, maybe 1-12 12-30 31-60 would be better, cuz i do like lvling with friends from time to time.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ thanks a @#$%tonne... that actually helped. that was probably the problem.. now i feel like an idiot =.=