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GRRR honorbuddys making me mad


New Member
Dec 10, 2011
unable to attach to wow build 0, restart wow and honorbuddy, tilemap is null, repeat, same issue, 5 times later (20 mins) then it runs off course, then stands there till i restart this process, fix this shit please..
"this shit" works fine for the most of us. If you can't get it to work I'm pretty postive it is your fault.
If you want help, this certainly isn't the way to ask for it.
unable to attach to wow build 0, restart wow and honorbuddy, tilemap is null, repeat, same issue, 5 times later (20 mins) then it runs off course, then stands there till i restart this process, fix this shit please..

In case you haven't already figured it out, this type of approach is frowned upon here and won't get you very much support from the other members here.

Something more along the lines of, "Hey, I'm having a problem... here are the details and a log - can anyone help?" would go alot further.

Also make sure you have fully updated wow, you run wow in windowed mode and not DX11. also make sure you have the latest HB.
well kickazz your a great help no joke, but like how do i attach a log when it just runs off, as if its bugged... i used a cinderweb one, (look it up) and then i came back, and it was in the middle of firelands, just sitting on my mount, and then i restarted it, and it worked again for 20 mins
First it think the CC has some Problems, sometimes are Errors in the Log. But thats not the Problem. I think a bad Situation was happen and the Toon use the Portal, thats why it stands in FL. In some Gatherprofile in Hyjal it happens too with the Teleports staying in this Area. One Problem of my thinking is, you need to Press on the Portal at MF to use.

[1:06:00 PM:467] 0=={wRogue==> Killing Cinderweb Creeper at range of 3 yards.
[1:06:00 PM:863] Spell_C::CastSpell(51723, 0, 0xF130CDA800024FA2, 0) [2306]
[1:06:00 PM:864] 0=={wRogue==> Skill: Fan of Knives
[1:06:01 PM:807] 0=={wRogue==> I died.
[1:06:02 PM:079] Cleared POI - Reason Player Died
[1:06:02 PM:079] Cleared POI
[1:06:02 PM:239] Activity: Releasing from corpse
[1:06:02 PM:239] Activity: Releasing corpse
[1:06:02 PM:239] I died!
[1:06:02 PM:329] Activity: Releasing from corpse
[1:06:11 PM:088] Spell_C::CastSpell(1784, 0, 0x0, 0) [2307]
[1:06:11 PM:145] 0=={wRogue==> Skill: Stealth
[1:06:12 PM:706] Activity: Moving to hotspot
[1:06:12 PM:706] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[1:06:12 PM:706] Loading FirelandsDailies_31_30

[1:06:13 PM:050] Activity: Moving to hotspot
[1:06:14 PM:343] Mounting: Mekgineer's Chopper
[1:06:27 PM:572] [STUCK] Got stuck at <1054.472, 358.1345, 41.05523> on map 861
[1:06:27 PM:605] [STUCK][HITTEST] LD/LU: False
[1:06:27 PM:605] [STUCK][HITTEST] Left: False
[1:06:27 PM:605] [STUCK][HITTEST] RD/RU: False
[1:06:27 PM:605] [STUCK][HITTEST] Right: False
[1:06:27 PM:605] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind: False
[1:06:27 PM:605] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Left: False
[1:06:27 PM:605] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Right: False
[1:06:27 PM:606] Stop and dismount... Reason: [STUCK] Dismounting
[1:06:28 PM:614] [STUCK] Moving Forward for 750ms.
HB has issues in Firelands Dailies area; that's the issue

there's nothing any of us can do about it except for Nesox

As i've stated in my firelands dailies thread ... all firelands profiles are user-assisted only
new issue, i start honorbuddy, login, loads and everything, then i go to make it farm BGs or Mining in twilight, then it says tilemap is null, 3 reinstalls, 9 restarts of wow and honorbuddy, still says tilemap is null. really getting frustrating. and since you dont recieve private messages, could u split up your lvling 1-60? thats just too big a number, maybe 1-12 12-30 31-60 would be better, cuz i do like lvling with friends from time to time.
new issue, i start honorbuddy, login, loads and everything, then i go to make it farm BGs or Mining in twilight, then it says tilemap is null, 3 reinstalls, 9 restarts of wow and honorbuddy, still says tilemap is null. really getting frustrating. and since you dont recieve private messages, could u split up your lvling 1-60? thats just too big a number, maybe 1-12 12-30 31-60 would be better, cuz i do like lvling with friends from time to time.

You do know you can stop it in the middle, quest with your friends and then start it back up after, right?
new issue, i start honorbuddy, login, loads and everything, then i go to make it farm BGs or Mining in twilight, then it says tilemap is null, 3 reinstalls, 9 restarts of wow and honorbuddy, still says tilemap is null. really getting frustrating. and since you dont recieve private messages, could u split up your lvling 1-60? thats just too big a number, maybe 1-12 12-30 31-60 would be better, cuz i do like lvling with friends from time to time.

Make sure Honorbuddy is not being blocked by your firewall. Run windows updates too :)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ thanks a @#$%tonne... that actually helped. that was probably the problem.. now i feel like an idiot =.=
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ thanks a @#$%tonne... that actually helped. that was probably the problem.. now i feel like an idiot =.=

You're welcome. We all sometimes over look things. Hope your botting experience improves :D