It is a lot easier to grind an instance and take the greens from it than grinding a specific location but, if that is what you want I'll post back shortly with one.
While we wait, if you do wish to try out "
instance farming", I'd suggest the profiles by
EchoTiger - found
Unzip/Svn the folder and open -> \Instance Grinds\ either works though I am partial to Lost City of Tol'vir.
Alright, here is your profile.
Both profiles use Questbot:
- Load HB
- Load QuestBot
- Load the profile
The first one will fly to its location, the second will we need to physically be moved to the chamber prior to starting.
[QB N] - Uldum - Chamber of the Moon - Elite Green Grind - Pathing - mellome.xml, can be started anywhere in Uldum and will fly to the Chamber of the Moon, enter it, fly to the back, dismount and begin killing. When it gets to 2 bag slots or low durability it will mount, leave the chamber and go to town. I've watched it grind for a good bit and, at times, there are some navigation issues when the bot disregards the set path and uses the built in navigation instead. Just watch out for this; otherwise it has gotten quite a few greens.
[QB N] - Uldum - Chamber of the Moon - Elite Green Grind - Focused - mellome.xml, physically needs to be placed in the chamber but, once there and the bot started, it will leave and come back without issue and
should be relogger friendly (
the above one isn't really). Because the beginning "
fly to" isn't present it can be start/stopped without looping back through the sequence.