Does anyone have a nice setup / Profile to make more than 25-30 M XP /hour ?
If someone can share it would really appreciate thanks a lot.
you need to use XP gem, and cube the helm to boost the gem. then run GR50, you will get 30BIL+ xp depending on your speed /deaths / gear
did 57 with hota an 6 Pieces IK SET
Trinity + Adventurer = GG
did 57 with hota an 6 Pieces IK SET
Trinity + Adventurer = GG
Yeah wanna know ur gear & spec etc etcdid 57 with hota an 6 Pieces IK SET
Trinity + Adventurer = GG
How do you config your trinity and avoidance? My gear is almost acient but I bot GR55 in at least 12 minutes. I use Focus, Restraint, Cube: The Furnance, Strongarms Bracers and Unity.HOTA build if you have the gear. GRIFT 55 easy under 8 minutes.
What is your gear like? I have same set but I can't go past ~48 without dying on every trash mob pack