is it posible to add an GOto command to a GatherbuddyScript?
There is a Command from Kick : Go from SW to BB and take Ship to ratchet
I want this to add in an UldumGatheringProfil?!
Or anotherway? Is there an Plugin which switch Profil and Botbase after finished a Profile?
Perhabs with QuestingBot goto Uldum and then with GatheringBot go further?
is it posible to add an GOto command to a GatherbuddyScript?
There is a Command from Kick : Go from SW to BB and take Ship to ratchet
I want this to add in an UldumGatheringProfil?!
Or anotherway? Is there an Plugin which switch Profil and Botbase after finished a Profile?
Perhabs with QuestingBot goto Uldum and then with GatheringBot go further?