when I say my main account I mean my first ever account I made when I first started wow...you see when I leveled my DK to 85 no bots I decided to buy gold to help me.. then my account was acting really weird.... I quit wow for abit and noticed I kept getting emails password notices.... at the time it wasn't noticed to badly.. then I recovered it and noticed my gold and all the non soulbound items where gone... only items I had left was my gear -_- so anyway I decided to contact a GM got my stuff back I think, then I just quit wow... so after all that I started to come back to wow, and said my account was banned, though it was for gold buying so I just left it, months went on and on and on.. and I said hey it has been like a year or something so lets try appeal, I appealed and the reason it was locked was because it was hacked and the hackers new my email and my secret question.... so they said new email and secret question and such.. done that.. then transfer 85 dk to my other account, ( my new main) my old acc still has like 66 warlock and 53 druid.. but my question is what should I bot on the dk? should I just pvp on him? or?