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Got my first WoW Ban Today


New Member
Sep 11, 2012
a little history before we start..
i botted diablo 3 using demonbuddy for 8 months or so, got banned maybe 20 times, but made a VERY nice profit in the end (still have 10 copies that are NOT banned with paragon 100 characters on them all). Paid off my car and insurance for the whole year this year with it. Also botted diablo 2 for years (not with any buddy products though obviously).
I am one of those, " Go big or go home" kind of botters. I bot as much as i possibly can and sell as much as i possibly can.

However, it is clear to me after my first wow ban, that it is much different here, compared to diablo 3/2

A little history of my wow account now:
Up until just a few days ago, I was completely legit playing my account. I used addons ONLY, no form of automated ANYTHING. Not even a combat script.
I was doing LFRs, Flex raids, etc in my 518 ilvl mage.

I decided to try Honorbuddy and start botting wow (because of my success with diablo 3 and 2 botting)
I started mining ghost iron ore.
I ran the bot for probably 20 hours a day out of 24. Mining in VOTFW and Jade Forest.
I only botted for about 2 and a half days all together.
This morning around 9:30am EST, I was kicked offline an hour after using the new HB release.
Account was banned :(

I didnt believe that they would ban accounts in such a quick manner after being identified as a bot, because of my previous experiences with diablo 2 and 3. ( I could bot for at LEAST a month, going 24/7 before any action would be taken against me).

However it is clear that detection and the process of dealing with bots for WoW is a MUCH more pressing matter for the blizzard staff.
I am almost 100% positive it was a player report that got me banned, I dumped MASS amounts of gems and ghost iron ore on the auction house and made around 100,000 gold the day HB went down with the ninja patch lol.

What I should have done in my opinion:
Botted for 4 hours at a time, took a 2 hour break, and repeated.
Do NOT bot at night time (1am through 8 am) when most people would be sleeping and not playing a game.
Made my own profiles for areas I wanted to mine ore in.
Switched areas daily. (VOTFW, then Jade Forest, then Dread Wastes, etc)
Sold materials and ore with a few different characters, not 300 stacks a day with ONE single character lol.
^^^ Same with gems.

Maybe should have done a wider variety of things to make gold, such as instance farming one day, gathering the next day, etc etc.

All in all, this was a learning experience for me, and I need to be more careful when dealing with WoW botting obviously. If you piss the wrong people off, they will report you, and then you are screwed royally. I am not concerned that blizzard themselves detected me somehow. I am positive it must have been a player report that got me.
As we speak I have 5 more bots leveling up, and I am going to try a wide array of things with these bots instead of just gathering and selling raw mats.

See you at the Illidan Auction House! :D

1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?
2)If so, when was the last time?:
3)What profile were you using?:
H+A VOTFW mining or something like that
4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:
5)What plugins are you using?:
6)How many hours per day did you bot for?:
6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?
7)How many auctions per day did you have?:
8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?
9)Was your account involved in gold selling?
10)EU or US realm?
11)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?
a little history before we start..
i botted diablo 3 using demonbuddy for 8 months or so, got banned maybe 20 times, but made a VERY nice profit in the end (still have 10 copies that are NOT banned with paragon 100 characters on them all). Paid off my car and insurance for the whole year this year with it. Also botted diablo 2 for years (not with any buddy products though obviously).
I am one of those, " Go big or go home" kind of botters. I bot as much as i possibly can and sell as much as i possibly can.

LMAO your problem was gatherbuddy bro. Thats instant ban using the profile. Never use gatherbuddy

However, it is clear to me after my first wow ban, that it is much different here, compared to diablo 3/2

A little history of my wow account now:
Up until just a few days ago, I was completely legit playing my account. I used addons ONLY, no form of automated ANYTHING. Not even a combat script.
I was doing LFRs, Flex raids, etc in my 518 ilvl mage.

I decided to try Honorbuddy and start botting wow (because of my success with diablo 3 and 2 botting)
I started mining ghost iron ore.
I ran the bot for probably 20 hours a day out of 24. Mining in VOTFW and Jade Forest.
I only botted for about 2 and a half days all together.
This morning around 9:30am EST, I was kicked offline an hour after using the new HB release.
Account was banned :(

I didnt believe that they would ban accounts in such a quick manner after being identified as a bot, because of my previous experiences with diablo 2 and 3. ( I could bot for at LEAST a month, going 24/7 before any action would be taken against me).

However it is clear that detection and the process of dealing with bots for WoW is a MUCH more pressing matter for the blizzard staff.
I am almost 100% positive it was a player report that got me banned, I dumped MASS amounts of gems and ghost iron ore on the auction house and made around 100,000 gold the day HB went down with the ninja patch lol.

What I should have done in my opinion:
Botted for 4 hours at a time, took a 2 hour break, and repeated.
Do NOT bot at night time (1am through 8 am) when most people would be sleeping and not playing a game.
Made my own profiles for areas I wanted to mine ore in.
Switched areas daily. (VOTFW, then Jade Forest, then Dread Wastes, etc)
Sold materials and ore with a few different characters, not 300 stacks a day with ONE single character lol.
^^^ Same with gems.

Maybe should have done a wider variety of things to make gold, such as instance farming one day, gathering the next day, etc etc.

All in all, this was a learning experience for me, and I need to be more careful when dealing with WoW botting obviously. If you piss the wrong people off, they will report you, and then you are screwed royally. I am not concerned that blizzard themselves detected me somehow. I am positive it must have been a player report that got me.
As we speak I have 5 more bots leveling up, and I am going to try a wide array of things with these bots instead of just gathering and selling raw mats.

See you at the Illidan Auction House! :D

1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?
2)If so, when was the last time?:
3)What profile were you using?:
H+A VOTFW mining or something like that
4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:
5)What plugins are you using?:
6)How many hours per day did you bot for?:
6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?
7)How many auctions per day did you have?:
8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?
9)Was your account involved in gold selling?
10)EU or US realm?
11)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?

Your problem out of all this is Gatherbuddy
Your problem out of all this is Gatherbuddy

what are the "other" ways to make gold as reliably as GB?
I'm fairly new to botting wow, I'm sure there must be other things to do than gathering / mining shit all day lol.

Any suggestions are welcome :D
what are the "other" ways to make gold as reliably as GB?
I'm fairly new to botting wow, I'm sure there must be other things to do than gathering / mining shit all day lol.

Any suggestions are welcome :D

You could try grinding. It helps and u get X amount of gold per hr. So it works as an alternative. But GB no. Ive had 2 friends get banned 20mins of using. He Left to go get something to eat come back to his account logged out with a perm ban of using third party programs. Other one got banned after an hour of using. They are very very on to bots that farm/gather mats like ores,herbs, etc. arch u can get away with a chance of not getting banned as fast.
I'm surprised it even took them 2 days to ban you with you botting 20-24 hours a day with GB.
Thought Id let you know that the more accounts you have the easier they all go down. I usually get them all banned at once no matter if I use s v n or not. Sad times to be botting now :(
> I started mining ghost iron ore.

shame there are still so many people coming to this bot that don't realize gatherbuddy is AIDS.

> What I should have done in my opinion:
Botted for 4 hours at a time, took a 2 hour break, and repeated.
Do NOT bot at night time (1am through 8 am) when most people would be sleeping and not playing a game.
Made my own profiles for areas I wanted to mine ore in.
Switched areas daily. (VOTFW, then Jade Forest, then Dread Wastes, etc)
Sold materials and ore with a few different characters, not 300 stacks a day with ONE single character lol.

none of that shit is going to help you one bit. gatherbuddy gets banned sooner or later, and honestly nowdays it gets banned within days. observing it, private profiles, random profiles, 4 hrs on 4 off etc etc dont help.

if you must make gold you are honestly better off grinding mobs or dungeons.
Ive done at least 200+ hours of gatherbuddy without a ban, on 3 seperates accounts..

I think you just got unlucky. But never do 20 hours a day.
what are the "other" ways to make gold as reliably as GB?
I'm fairly new to botting wow, I'm sure there must be other things to do than gathering / mining shit all day lol.

Any suggestions are welcome :D

You could level up new chareceters, make proffesions, sell it etc.

Do instance run etc. Many options here compared to d3, ive left d3 since the economy is terrible.

Made like 2000$ the first few months in wow.

I botted hardcore, and resold it for SC gold, when the gold was at highest prices(1m=1,X? i sold a very huge amount)
Botting everyday with gatherbuddy farming ghost iron ores.

6-8 hours a day, and its when i sleep.
only got banned once, but was 3 days for using 3rd programs,
made a ticket and was opened asap.
had a break from wow in around 6 months and came back, been botting 2 months so far, 6-8 hours a day.
major profit and havent been banned yet.
Bot smart.
Your problem out of all this is Gatherbuddy
Not true at all, they check for patterns of logging in/logging out looking for sleep patterns etc. What i usually do, is not bot until around midnightish or even a little earlier, and since my internet restarts at 5am, it'll stop botting and i'll resume when I wake up or get to playing again. Therefore it's a constistant schedule that doesn't appear abnormal and out of the ordinary.
I love how people blame Gatherbuddy... Your problem here was maybe running same profile putting you on a LCP ban maybe? Look up randombuddy plugin here on the forums. I run 3 bots a day with Gatherbuddy haven't been banned yet.
Not true at all, they check for patterns of logging in/logging out looking for sleep patterns etc. What i usually do, is not bot until around midnightish or even a little earlier, and since my internet restarts at 5am, it'll stop botting and i'll resume when I wake up or get to playing again. Therefore it's a constistant schedule that doesn't appear abnormal and out of the ordinary.

Any sources of what for patterns they have? I highly doubt that, nobody can tell what exactly they are doing. People involved into that sign highly controlled contracts so it does not get leaked, the moment people like you in a botcommunity would know what they are searching for exactly for example GBusers it would be safe for us again.
nobody gathers ore for 20+ hours a day, logs out for 2 or 3 hours then logs back on for another 18 hours to gather ore. I get bored within the first 30 minutes of doing it.
I love how people blame Gatherbuddy... Your problem here was maybe running same profile putting you on a LCP ban maybe? Look up randombuddy plugin here on the forums. I run 3 bots a day with Gatherbuddy haven't been banned yet.

yeah so far I see Randombuddy is perhaps a great start in fixing the problems ..also maybe not botting as hardcore as before

on a side note wouldn't it be cool to have randombuddy somehow work for battlegrounds so that we all aren't taking the same path and heading to the same mid field fight? options for defending or attacking, capping etc.
After reading this I'm really going to slow down. I bought a HB trail key (I buy one every new pvp season, dont wanna get sucked into botting all the time.) and have been using the BG and GB bots. Including time I've played legit I'd say I've been online 40 of the past 48 hours. I guess you could say I've been lucky.
Any form of boting will result in a ban..if you have not been banned you simply don't bot enough due to fear. Get spare accounts and bot as much as you want..it doesn't matter once you bot you will be banned and it is getting worst these days. And for those who say well I never been banned.. The amount of boting your doing is probably so little to the point that I ask why even bot?