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Got Banned Today


New Member
Mar 18, 2014
Was farming ore in jade fire forest when i got shut down i was even watching it when all of the sudden bam!!!!! Anyone have success getting banned fixed let me know.
Was farming ore in jade fire forest when i got shut down i was even watching it when all of the sudden bam!!!!! Anyone have success getting banned fixed let me know.
Please use the ban report form to give us a better idea of what you were doing that might've led to a ban. :)
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?
Honorbuddy with GB2 profile

2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?:
The latest one not Beta

3)If so, when was the last time?:

4)What profile were you using?:
GB2 with jade farming routine

5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:
Death Knight

6)What plugins are you using?:

7)How many hours per day did you bot for?:

8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?
30% and right when the ban happened i will actually playing without the bot running :(

9)How many auctions per day did you have?:
avg post 160

10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?

11)Was your account involved in gold selling?

12)EU or US realm?

13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?
Paid Account
You left out the most important piece of info! :)
How long did you have the bot running for? It's likely just an auto ban from overfarming, which can be overturned to a 72 hour suspension pretty easily if it's your first offense on the account.

Another rule of thumb is to never list any mat auctions on your farming toon. Search around the forums for shuffling and you'll get an idea of what others do to move the mats around between characters for even more profit (and safety).
i was running it about 6 hours and and started playing myself from 6 am to 8 am i never put up stuff on the same toon always sent to another to put up
doesnt matter...technically that first ban is a warning. appeal it, and then don't overbot. 3-4 hours max.
i am hiring a lawyer to fight this and see what happens , since 2007 playing and then banned no way am i taking this lying down
i am hiring a lawyer to fight this and see what happens , since 2007 playing and then banned no way am i taking this lying down
Wait, what?

It's a game account... if you file a lawsuit against Blizz for banning you because you violated the ToS YOU agreed to follow, you'd be laughed out of court. Save yourself the trouble and just get another account. You can't sue someone for taking action that you agreed to allow them to take.

If you get this uptight about botting, it might not be your thing...
first offense? you must've pissed someone off ;)
Either way, threatening them with legal action probably isn't going to get him very far. You really think they care about your account? At the end of the day, you're just a little sub-paying fish in a very, very wide open ocean of other sub-paying fish.

I'm guessing that you've been suspended or temp banned on that account in the past, which is why they're giving you the hard smackdown.

Just remember, OP... you agreed to allow them to ban you for whatever reason they want. They could ban you for having a mismatched xmog set, and it would still be a reasonable ban because they reserve the right to ban you for any reason they deem necessary.

And naturally the Honorbuddy motto comes into play - "Never bot on anything you can't afford to lose."
Blizzard is protected by the Corporate law, you could not just complain for minor offences from them, at least that what I have heard.
just keep calling them and complaining - or get an unbanning service to help from another website which i cannot name.
you're not going to get a lawyer, shut up. IF you're dumb enough to do this, which I PRAY you aren't, you will not win. I know you probably rehearsed it in your head everything you would say and the concrete evidence you think you have and how everyone will be in awe by your awesomeness and cheaply tailored suit, but you are so sorely mistaken. You botted, you got caught, you took the risk, and you need to accept the consequences. I had an account that was my baby, I did everything by hand, this was before BoA gear, and had until lich king expansion, bunch of 80s, I even fuckin leveled FISHING bro, by hand, and cooking, and one day, I Was banned, and I sincerely didnt even do anything, they would not overturn the ban, its been like 3+ years, I try and appeal it every now and again but they won't, just move on, spend 20 bucks on some keys, bot again, and play smarter, there is no ratio of when you might get banned, you can get banned the minute you turn your bot on the NEXT time, who knows, its the choice you make, it sucks, and you're probably pissed and regretting it, but live with it. *grits teeth in a dark raspy voice* own it..