Ok soo.. i might not be helpful as much, but ill share my 2c. You guys fail to notice that he DID hit level 90 on those accounts, i dont want to be rude (and sorry if i am) but youre not telling us something. IMO there is no way that Blizz or any GM would allow you to HIT level 90 and then ban you, you should be banned waayyy before hitting lvl 90 if your accounts rise that much red flag as you think they are.
Next, you guys are going far to deep into paranoia, mainly OP whos politely discarding/ignoring some constructive and simple suggestions thinking that problem is far bigger than actually is.
First, Blizz would violate privacy rights big time by reading ANY part of your PC outside wow process and network info related to it. Blizz can access your IP, MAC address, Windows info, payment and account info, Warden scans wow process and its offsets for nonregular bytes (thats when HB auto shut down) and scans whole WoW instalation folder (PQI/PE addon banwaves, next to unsafe lua unlocks which led to enormous banwaves).
Second, someone already said, solution is "randomization." You should be aware that dungeonbuddy (as well as Gatherbuddy/Gatherbuddy2) use "waypoint" pattern to go trough dungeon, tracing them is extremely easy as they are fixed location on x-y-z coordinates on specific map. Its already known that blizz does have tracing tools which caused tons of banwaves in the past using gatherbuddy "waypoint" farm.
Tracing waypoints in dungeons is easier as "map" is a lot smaller and i presume that profile paterns for dungeons, which ARE PUBLIC, werent updated for a long time. Waypoint coordinates can be easily found by opening dungeon file in notepad. So having 5characters on 5accounts with same billing info which is connected to previously banned accounts rising same waypoint alerts over and over is kinda.. obvious, dont you think? i think it is.
Same goes for Gatherbuddy/Gatherbuddy 2 farms and their public profiles. So if you used gatherbuddy public profiles, 80-90% thats the reason for your bans, connect it with payment info on which there were already banned accounts -> ban. Have you used Gatherbuddy/Gatherbuddy 2 on them?
Following.. I never used RAF so i got a quick question for anyone who use it.. Isnt 4 days for 1-90 kinda fast? If so you probably spent "non-human" ingame time during your bot sessions and thats one more thing on which blizz pays attention.
From all that being said possible ways for blizz to "connect" your accounts with already banned ones are said above, i would say mainly static IP (which you dont have), MAC and billing info if you used same credit card as on already banned account.
Imo, try with simple solutions, switch to gamecard and create new email address for new accounts, completely uninstall wow, do registry cleanup, install it in different location and try using some free proxy to hide your IP, even so you dont actually need it as you have dynamic IP which is changed, as you mentioned, just by reseting your router and randomize your boting and bot logically. With all that being said, I dont see the point in going so extensively to actually PAY for software to hide yourself when you havent even tried basic, simple and completely free solutions.
Once more, im sorry if i was rude or not helpful i really felt the need to jump in when i saw that few of them actually thought trough you problem and gave you some constructive suggestions.
EDIT: just so you know, I did notice several ban related topics in which ppl used 3-5charrs RAF and dungeonbuddy combo and they were banned far before they hit lvl 90 so that maybe something on what blizz pays attention too.
Well, first of all, thx for the enfort you put in reply me and for your precius time you spend to help me =)
Let me try to give you more information then:
Well... i'm italian, and i bot on the only 2 italian server, and i did it in english server too and SEE with my eyes that what you say about "randomize" is a must in english, but..
On italian server is really strange, is hard to explain, as example i see Ah bot reported from 30 player and they took monts to ban them, i see people bot Pandaria Herb And Minning 24/7 for months and don't get banned.. is really a strange server..
I bot like "my" way for 6 months, and got only one banwave (as i told, sure about it cause other botter i know got banned too, someone for 72, someone permaban..)
To answer some of your question or tips:
I make new mails for every bot, with random "real" name" the only things that SURE fucks up is the payment method whitch i think is the first things i'm gonna try to change, i mean, i gonna do a "test" botting with a new payment method and change the "changeable" stuff from my pc.
I changed connection ip almost every day, don't know if that is bad or good but in fact that worked before.. but i'm sure that blizzard surelly have a way to track computer cuz i NEVER get a message like "Blizzard has locked the Battle.net account XXXXXXXX@ XXXX.com due to an unusual change in its access pattern." or something like that, which happen if i try log from a different computer/connection, now probly they just check where is the last stop you connected and if is near they did not block your pc.. but ever then is suspicius i think.
The main reason i fucked up is the payment method for sure, even if i use it only to buy wows and not to pay months..
Is really weirdo my server as i told you, but i ask this days to botter friend and no one of them was banned, and i know one that is farming gundrak 24/7 NOSTOP from 3 weeks now.. xD
The only things i'm sure is that they flagged me for sure, cause as i told i lvl bots 19/06 and got banned 23/06, take a break, lvl bots 13/07 and get banned 17/07, when no one of my friends got,so i hope just i did not get reported by some of my acquaintances, even if no one know the name of my bots..
On English/Usa server i can't for sure bot like i do, i know that guys, i should have title the post "i got flagged, what i should do", ill thx you and the other for the tips and reply, i'll gonna take a break for this months, probly just change mac ip stuff ecc and get a new credit card and paypal (not with my name xD), and hope that's enought, anyway ill gonna get a new computer soon, i whould had got one on september for the new haswell-e 6 core "hope cheap" CPU, let's see if i'm forced to buy something before..
Wish to know how blizzard employer works.. cuz this i so weird in my opinion, at least my server is..
And well, in my opinion they always KNOW who is a bot and who not, act like "human" and "randomize" will not save you if they got you, i think they ban account that are sure BOTTING on make gold purpose just cause they know people will get new one and give to blizzard more money..and "close" an eye or two on the player that are veteran, playing for more then 2 years and pay subscription all the months, with their 12939123 achive that make them think "if i ban him say goodbye to them for ever", that's why on account that looks of someone that play wow for real even if he bot 24/7 they give 72 hours and not perma instantly like what happen to account with 500 achiv point xD this is oblivius to all i suppose, but that's the true, they ban when it's the better option for them business or not?
Im going to give you the way I was able to get around the system. This is coming from a Cyber Security Engineer, so I know all about tracking.
A new PC would be best but of course that is expensive.
1) Load a new operating system.
2) Only run one game per profile. What that means is dont log as as you on the operating system. IE Windows and dual box. If you have to do that use vmware.
3) Get a new network card. You can get them for 10-20 on ebay.
3) Get a new router.
4) Your ISP is proving your a IP address which is probably dynamic which means it changes. You can mask you ip by buying a tool for around 20.00. A easier way would be just ask your ISP for a new IP address. Tell them you are having problems.
5) You MAC was changed when you got your new network card, HOWEVER, if you did not spend the 20.00 you can buy software to do this. Google Mask MAC and IP
6) DO NOT use the same payment method.
7) Do NOT use your real name in your email address or even give your real name when you sign up to your email account.
If you do all that there is no way in the world they can track you. If you choose to mask your ip with software YOU MUST enable it everytime you play. If you mess up once and do not enable you could appear on their radar.
Good luck!!
All your tips are really nice and i gonna follow them with all the other i got there, thx =)
I guess i try change change Mac and Ip of the network card from software, cuz i have the network card "in" the mobo =)