Goldboss engine / Questing Kiks + Random dungeon, not working [ SOLVED]
How can i setup goldboss to make questing and random dungeon working ?
Also, it seems the movement are too mechanical, with honnorbuddy or plugins compatible with goldboss, is it possible to make it feel more human like ?
EDIT : I also see this in while using the kick profiles :
[BasicVehicleBehaviour-v2022(warning)] *****
* THIS BEHAVIOR IS DEPRECATED, and will be retired on July 31th 2012.
* BasicVehicleBehavior adds _no_ _additonal_ _value_ over the VehicleMover behavior.
* Please update the profile to use the VehicleMover behavior.*****
What should i do ?
What i am setting up wrong ?
How can i setup goldboss to make questing and random dungeon working ?
Also, it seems the movement are too mechanical, with honnorbuddy or plugins compatible with goldboss, is it possible to make it feel more human like ?
EDIT : I also see this in while using the kick profiles :
[BasicVehicleBehaviour-v2022(warning)] *****
* THIS BEHAVIOR IS DEPRECATED, and will be retired on July 31th 2012.
* BasicVehicleBehavior adds _no_ _additonal_ _value_ over the VehicleMover behavior.
* Please update the profile to use the VehicleMover behavior.*****
What should i do ?

What i am setting up wrong ?
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